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Tax practitioner client management reports (TPCMR) are available through the PLS.

Last updated 17 June 2024

List of available reports

The reports available are listed in Table 5.

Availability and access to these reports will depend on your software.

Table 5: Tax practitioner client management reports (TPCMR)

Report description

PLS abbreviation


Electronic funds transfer report



Activity statement client report



Activity statement lodgment report



Income tax client report



Lodgment performance report



Manage report subscription

Manage report subscription allows for the addition or deletion of a subscription to the Electronic funds transfer report (EFTRS).

Manage agent trust (MAT)

The manage agent trust (MAT) service allows you to create, maintain and remove a registered agent trust account.

Upon providing details of their trust account, this will then enable you to receive the EFT reconciliation report that shows details of each EFT refund sent to your nominated trust account.

Get report

The Get report function allows you to retrieve a generated report. The reports functions are available to registered agents and fall into 3 categories:

  • compulsory
  • subscribed
  • on-demand.

The lodgment performance report is a compulsory report to registered agents. It provides statistical information on the status and number of tax lodgments made during a lodgment period.

The generation of these reports will be initiated by us periodically or at specific points in time when required. You do not have the choice to opt-out from receiving compulsory reports.

The activity statement client report (ASCRPT), activity statement lodgment report (ASLRPT) and income tax client report (ITCRPT) are on-demand and you must request these every time they are required, unless your software is designed to auto send requests on your behalf.

Subscribed reports

Subscribed reports are optional. They are sent automatically to subscribers to the service, when the relevant data becomes available.

Electronic funds transfer (EFTRS) reconciliation

This subscribed report provides details of EFT refunds expected to be deposited into the registered agent's trust account. The report is generated on each business day where a deposit is expected and is available for 90 days after it is generated.

To be eligible for this report, you must have provided the details of the trust account to us. This can be done via your software using the Manage agent trust (MAT) service.

Each report lists the:

  • registered agent's details
  • date of refunds
  • number of refunds
  • details of each refund
  • total value of refunds for the specific business day.

On-demand reports

On-demand reports allow for a specific report to be generated as needed. The following reports can be requested on demand:

Activity statement client report (ASCRPT)

The on-demand report provides details of clients linked to your registered agent number for the activity statement role. The report is generated on-demand and is available for 90 days after it is created.

You must request this report every time they are required (unless your software is designed to auto send requests on your behalf).

The client report does not include clients with a security assessed clients (SAC) protected rating. The client list will include ATO staff SAC.

In addition to the requesting agent details, the report lists:

  • client information  
    • client first name
    • client surname
    • client organisation name
    • client type
    • tax file number
    • Australian business number
  • client address  
    • postal address line 1
    • postal address line 2
    • suburb/town
    • state
    • country
    • postcode
  • role details  
    • client account number
    • client account status
    • address line 1
    • address line 2
    • suburb / town
    • state
    • country
    • postcode
    • activity statement frequency
    • GST indicator
    • GST reporting method
    • last activity statement lodged year
    • last activity statement lodged month
    • last activity statement form lodged
    • withholder payer number.

Activity statement lodgment report (ASLRPT)

The on-demand report provides a list of clients and their associated lodgment activity, even if you are not linked to their activity statement role. The report is generated on-demand and is available for 90 days after it is created.

You must request this report every time it is required (unless your software is designed to auto send requests on your behalf).

In addition to the requesting agent details, the report lists:

  • client information  
    • client first name
    • client surname
    • client organisation name
    • client type
    • Australian business number
    • tax file number
    • withholder payer number
  • account information
    • client account number
    • client account type
    • client account status
    • registered agent number (RAN) – agent linked to the account
    • destination (client, practice or no preferences set)
    • delivery channel (digital, paper or myGov)
    • account balance (activity statement account balance at time of report being requested/run)
    • payment reference number – PRN (unique PRN for the relevant activity statement account)
    • email address
    • postal address
    • activity statement frequency
    • GST indicator
    • role information for each account GST status (active/blank)
    • PAYG withholding status (active/blank)
    • PAYG instalment status (active/blank)
    • FTC status (active/blank)
    • FBT status (active/blank)
    • DGST status (active/blank)
    • WET status (active/blank)
    • LCT status (active/blank)
  • activity statement details
    • DIN
    • status (DSP/held)
    • hold reason
    • activity statement form type
    • form name (for example R, S and T)
    • AS PAYG instalment amount (only applicable to R, T and N forms and the amount is relevant to the period start date and end date of the activity statement)
    • AS GST instalment amount (only applicable to S and T forms and the amount is relevant to the period start date and end date of the activity statement)
    • period start date
    • period end date
    • due date
    • flexible lodgment eligibility (yes/no)
    • activity statement lodgment reminders for employers
    • reminder issue date
    • treatment type (finalised or unfinalised)
    • expected treatment date
    • ATO processed date

Income tax client report (ITCRPT)

The on-demand report provides details of clients linked to your registered agent number for the income tax role.

The report is generated on-demand and is available for 90 days after it is created. For each client this report will display the 4 most recent years of data.

The client report does not include clients with a further return not necessary (FRNN) indicator or some security assessed clients (SAC).

Details include:

  • client details    
    • tax file number
    • client type
    • client first name
    • client surname
    • client organisation name
  • lodgment details
    • substituted accounting period (SAP)
    • lodgment method
    • lodgment status
    • current financial year
    • lodgment due date
    • flexible lodgment eligibility current accounting year
    • lodgment status current accounting year
    • period start date current accounting year
    • period end date current accounting year
    • flexible lodgment eligibility current accounting year less 1
    • lodgment status current accounting year less 1
    • period start date current accounting year less 1
    • period end date current accounting year less 1
    • flexible lodgment eligibility current accounting year less 2
    • lodgment status current accounting year less 2
    • period start date current accounting year less 2
    • period end date current accounting year less 2
    • flexible lodgment eligibility current accounting year less 3
    • lodgment status current accounting year less 3
    • period start date current accounting year less 3
    • period end date current accounting year less 3

For more information, refer to our Online services for agents user guideMy practice.

Compulsory reports

Compulsory reports are generated and made available without the need to subscribe or request the report.

Income tax and fringe benefit tax lodgment performance report (ITLRPT)

This compulsory report compares the tax agent's performance against the 85% on-time lodgment benchmark.

The report shows the:

  • number of returns due, lodged, lodged on time and overdue
  • lodgment performance percentage for the practice
  • average lodgment performance percentage of similar practices.

It is a compulsory report generated annually following the end of the financial year. The report can only be retrieved for 14 days following the availability date.

Table 6: ITLPRPT availability dates

Financial year

Report available


13 July 2020


12 July 2021


11 July 2022


10 July 2023


8 July 2024

For more information, refer to How we calculate your lodgment performance.
