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Agent home page

This screen displays information relevant to your log in.

Last updated 12 November 2024

What's on the agent home page

The agent home page is the first screen displayed when you log in. This screen displays information relevant to your login.

You can customise the agent home page to add key features and quick links to the functions that best suit you.

Functions on the agent home page

Image of the Online services for agents home page - the functions are listed as follows.

  1. Account – log in
  2. Search – View client list and Advanced search
  3. Home
  4. Practice menu options
  5. Notifications
  6. Features
  7. Quick links
  8. Customise the home page

Account – log in

If your practice has more than one Registered agent number (RAN), you can use the Account drop-down menu to switch from one RAN to another. You'll only see the RANs that you have permissions for in Access Manager.

Up to 5 RANs display at any time. If more are available, select View more, then at RAN select choose the relevant RAN.

The RAN you've logged in with will be displayed in bold.

Select a client

To select a client you can use the To do a quick search field on the agent home page or the Advanced search link.

If you've customised your home page to include the Favourite clients or Client list quick links, use these options to select a client.


We use the notification section on the home page to alert you to Actions required or Information.

Notifications are displayed for each Digital ID (such as myID) holder and will appear for:

  • all agents when the message affects everyone – such as planned system maintenance
  • specific groups when the message is only relevant to agents who may perform a particular role – for example, if you have clients who haven't lodged their 2022 tax returns.

There are a maximum of 6 notifications displayed at any one time. To view a notification, select the drop-down menu to view all notifications.

You can dismiss Information notifications at any time by selecting X.

However, you can't dismiss an Action required notification until you've actioned it. Select Action now and you'll be taken to the relevant function to complete the action.

Only your notifications will be dismissed. They'll still be viewable to others in your practice with the same notification.

Customise features and quick links on the home page

You can choose what information you see on your home page by customising it to display the features and quick links that best suit you. Any changes you save will display each time you log in. They'll only apply to your home page, not others in your practice.

To change the features or quick links:

  • select the Customise home page button at the bottom of the home page
  • select or deselect the Features and Quick links check box to choose what you want displayed (you can select 3 features and 8 quick links)
  • select Save.

There are 4 features currently available to choose from:

  • Practice mail – displays the number of unread mail items in your personal mailbox linked to your myID credential (select View to navigate to your mailbox).
  • Client mail – displays the number of unread mail items for clients that you've elected to receive digital communications for through Communication preferences (select View to navigate to Client mail).
  • Favourite clients – enables you to create a list of clients that you can easily access.
  • Lodgment program status – shows the percentage of tax returns lodged on time for the current year, including the effective date. (The Lodgment program status isn't available for BAS agents.)
  • You can return to the top of this Online services for agents user guide for help on other areas.

