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Reporting account changes

Whenever there is a change to the 'lost' status of the individual this must be reported to us via the MAAS service.

Last updated 2 February 2025

Reporting to us

Whenever there is a change to the 'lost' status of the individual this must be reported to us via the MAAS service. The following situations would indicate that you are required to submit a MAAS update:

  • contact with the provider has been re-established and the member has retained their benefit in the provider - update Lost status account attribute to not lost
  • a contribution or rollover has been received for a member previously considered lost - update Lost status account attribute to not lost
  • contact with you has been re-established and the member elected to cash their benefit in because it was under $200, or another condition of release was met - update Account Phase and Account Status to closed
  • contact with you has been re-established and the member has transferred their benefit to another provider - update Account Phase and Account Status to closed
  • the member has been transferred to an eligible rollover fund or a successor fund as a lost member - update Account Phase and Account Status to closed
  • the member’s account has become unclaimed super money and was paid to the ATO or to a state or territory authority - update Account Phase and Account Status to closed.

Lost member accounts for USM

It is important you update the account status and account phase to closed if you have reported and paid the account to us as a USM lost member account for the same period. Undertaking your USM reporting first helps you to identify which members' accounts you reported and paid to us, and will enable you to update the account to closed. This ensures the members accounts are displayed accurately and not displayed as both 'lost' and 'ATO-held monies' on our online services for individuals.

Provision of member information

We may provide member information to you through various channels. The main method will be through the MAAS using 2 interactions:

The maintain member account interaction is where you or your administrator reports the member account as 'lost uncontactable' or 'lost inactive' and receives a response from us containing member information. You are required to report information using the MAAS form.

The Provision of details (POD) service is an optional interaction that allows you and your administrator to request member information we hold. For those members at risk of becoming lost (in accordance with the regulations), where you require updated member/account information, you may choose to use this service. How you are able to utilise the information will depend on whether the member is currently considered lost according to the regulations or whether the superannuation provider considers the member at risk of becoming lost.

See also Provision of member information.
