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Insurance premiums are contributions

Last updated 14 December 2022

Insurance premiums paid to you are contributions. If they are paid by the member, they are considered to be personal contributions. If they are paid by the member’s employer (whether directly to the insurer or to you) they are considered employer contributions. This is true in all circumstances, including for risk-only or insurance-only policies where the super benefit afforded provides cover for death, disability or sickness only – that is, contributions are not accumulated in an account for the benefit of the member. The relevant field to report these is specified further in the protocol.

If your liabilities, such as insurance premiums, are paid for by employers or other third parties, you have an obligation to record and report them as contributions attributable to the relevant members.

Your members may be unaware that contributions of this nature are being made for them and may inadvertently exceed the contributions caps. Consider bringing this issue to the attention of your members and associated employers and third parties so that they are able to manage their contributions in an informed way.
