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Reporting account balances and other annual amounts reminder

Reminder to report account balance and other annual amounts by 31 October.

Published 13 October 2024

You need to report the 30 June 2024 account balance and other annual amounts by 31 October 2024, via the member account transaction service (MATS). This includes any applicable phase values, notional taxed contributions, and defined benefit contributions.

When reporting 30 June account balances and other annual amounts you should ensure the member's account is already reported through the Member account attribute service (MAAS).

For matching purposes, you should ensure the Australian business number (ABN), unique superannuation identifier (USI), and member account identifier reported in the MATS are identical to those reported through MAAS for the member's account.

If there is no account balance, report a zero value in the mandatory account balance field.

Amendments to previous reporting

You are required to correct a 30 June 2024 account balance within 30 days of becoming aware of an error or omission. Amendments to 30 June 2024 account balances can be reported by either:

  • Cancelling the original transaction – you can cancel the original transaction and submit a new MATS form with the correct information.
  • Overwriting the amounts reported – lodge a MATS with the corrected figure using the same balance date.

Note: Phase value amounts, notional taxed contributions or defined benefit contribution amounts will default to zero. To avoid any adverse impacts on your member calculations, enter the amounts originally reported when you are submitting your amendment.

What you need to do

You should ensure you have appropriate processes in place to meet your reporting obligations. You should also take care to complete your reporting accurately.

For more information see Annual obligations and balance amounts. If you need assistance with re-reporting, you should lodge an enquiry using the Super Enquiry Service.

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