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July 2024

Information for registered agents about preparing and lodging tax statements and returns due in July 2024.

Last updated 30 June 2024

21 July

Lodge and pay June 2024 monthly business activity statement.

Lodge and pay quarter 4, 2023–24 PAYG instalment activity statement for head companies of consolidated groups.

28 July

Lodge and pay quarter 4, 2023–24 activity statement if electing to receive and lodge by paper and not an active STP reporter.

Pay quarter 4, 2023–24 instalment notice (form R, S or T). Lodge the notice only if you vary the instalment amount.

Make super guarantee contributions for quarter 4, 2023–24 to funds by this date.

Note: Employers who do not pay minimum super contributions for quarter 4 by this date must pay the super guarantee charge and lodge a Superannuation guarantee charge statement by 28 August 2024.

31 July

Lodge TFN report for closely held trusts if any beneficiary quoted their TFN to a trustee in quarter 4, 2023–24.

Lodge Venture capital deficit tax return for June balancers.

Lodge Franking account return for 30 June balancers if there is an amount payable.

Lodge Early stage innovation company report.

Lodge Community housing provider annual report.

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