How we can help
How we can help if you are having difficulty lodging on time depends on whether the difficulties relate to you, your practice, or your clients. Your request must be consistent with PS LA 2011/15 Lodgment obligations, due dates and deferrals.
We consider your individual circumstances, such as:
- serious illness within your practice or family
- sudden and unexpected staff changes
- natural or other disasters
- significant system issues, either with ATO online services or your business system.
Lodgment deferral support
If you or your clients are experiencing exceptional or unforeseen circumstances that affect your ability to lodge by a due date, lodgment program deferrals may help.
A lodgment deferral provides additional time to lodge without incurring a failure to lodge on time (FTL) penalty.
Tailored support for your practice
If the problems you are experiencing are affecting your whole practice, you can request a supported lodgment program. We will work with you to tailor solutions and help you get your lodgment program back on track.
The supported lodgment program is designed to help practices of all sizes when they need additional time to lodge a large proportion of their clients' obligations.