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Situations where we request earlier lodgment

When we can request lodgment of a document earlier than the lodgment program due dates.

Last updated 30 June 2024

The lodgment program is a concession to registered agents. We can request lodgment of a document earlier than the lodgment program due date, including:

  • when there is a history of late or non-lodgment of tax returns
  • when there is a history of late or non-payment of liabilities
  • as a means of prompting lodgment if there is reason to believe it would be late or not occur
  • when a tax return is required for a specific purpose, such as from participants in identified tax schemes.

We may issue a notice requiring lodgment at any time. Letters or notices may also be issued when a document has not been lodged by the latest due date permitted for lodgment. These notices are rarely withdrawn and you should not ignore them as they may indicate that:

  • the client is not covered by your program arrangements
  • we are undertaking action to secure lodgment.
