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Advise us when a return is not required

How to advise us if your client is not required to lodge a tax return, so we can update our records.

Last updated 10 June 2024

Why you need to notify us

Let us know if your client is not required to lodge a tax return for a particular year or future years so we can update our records.

Notifying us will avoid:

  • compliance action that may take place once the return becomes overdue
  • preparation, lodgment and processing of a nil return.

How to notify us

The best way to advise us that a return or further return is not required is through:

Remember to notify us before the due date if lodgment is not required or further returns are not necessary.

If no further returns are required or you will no longer represent the client, you need to remove the client from your client list.

Low income earners

Remember that even if their income is under the tax-free threshold, some low income earners may need to lodge.

