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Our service commitment

Our commitments to processing time frames and sharing knowledge during tax time.

Last updated 10 June 2024

Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group

During tax time, we hold meetings with the Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group (TPSG) to:

  • discuss any emerging issues
  • share our progress
  • take on board your ideas.

We publish key messages from these meetings at TPSG – tax time updates.

You can also keep up to date with the latest information by subscribing to our weekly Tax professionals newsletters.

Tax returns

We aim to finalise the majority of electronically lodged current year tax returns within 12 business days of receipt. This includes both individual and non-individual tax returns.

Tax returns lodged on paper could take up to 50 business days from receipt to be finalised. We encourage you to lodge electronically as the quicker processing will benefit your client.

If a tax return is incomplete, incorrect, needs checking or relates to a prior year, it may take us longer to finalise. In some cases, we will need to contact you for additional information. Find out how to prevent delays in processing returns.


We will aim to finalise the majority of electronically lodged amendments within 20 business days of receipt. Amendments lodged on paper could take up to 50 business days from receipt to finalisation.

Stay up to date with our progress

We will continue to send you a weekly Tax return status report. This will help you keep your clients up to date and reduce unnecessary calls to you or us. You can find out more about what happens after you lodge.

For details of our performance measures, see current year commitments to service.

