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Tax Time 2024 update – 2 July

Key messages and themes from the Tax Practitioner Stewardship Group (TPSG) tax time meeting, held on 2 July 2024.

Published 17 July 2024

ATO systems and digital services

  • 1 July saw significant demand for our online services. Some degradation (slower than expected response times in Online services for agents) was experienced, which was improved throughout the day by implementing the waiting room for Online services for individuals. The issue was fully resolved by 2 July with no further degradation reported by BAS and tax agents.
  • We identified an issue where the pre-fill report low confidence indicator message isn’t displaying (the indicator will display but the message that prompts you to check the data does not generate). The issue is expected to be remedied in the coming days. We will provide an update as soon as the issue is resolved.
  • When reviewing your client's interest, income pre-fill data and the certainty indicator is blank, the following message is not showing: ‘You may wish to check pre-fill availability to see if your client’s financial institution has reported interest income data to the ATO’. A fix is scheduled to be deployed on 20 July 2024.
  • There is a known issue preventing not-for-profit entities (NFPs) and tax agents from accessing and successfully lodging the NFP self-review return in Online services for business, Online services for agents, and the Self-help phone service. The issue is expected to be remedied in the coming days. We will provide an update as soon as the issue is resolved.

Tax return processing and phone services

  • Whilst lodgments are being successfully received, we continue to undertake processes to ensure returns are processing as expected before being released.
  • There is very high demand on our telephone support centres. Call blocking has been used to help manage demand for the individual enquiries line (no call blocking has been used on the registered agent phone line or the myGovID enquiry line).
  • The tax agent service commitment will be updated on our website to reflect that we answer 40% of calls to the registered agent phone line within 7 minutes (noting that we've been operating to this commitment timeframe and meeting it successfully for the last 12 months).

Changes to the refund certainty SMS

We've previously issued 2 SMS messages to taxpayers after they've lodged their tax return; the first was to advise them when their tax return had been processed, and a second message on the day a refund amount was paid.

We will no longer be sending the first of the 2 SMS messages. This decision was made due to the prevalence of unsolicited SMS messages and it becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish a scam message from a legitimate one.

TPSG members were invited to provide feedback on the approach and noted no concerns.

We will monitor and reconsider the new approach in the event of unintended consequences or impacts.

Marketing and Communication

Tax time focuses for this fortnight’s communications and media activities include:

  • a media release reminding self-preparers, agents and their clients to wait for all of their pre-fill information before they lodge due to the high rate of errors and adjustments we see on returns lodged before the pre-fill information is finalised
  • we've been working with a variety of industry groups, organisations and businesses with significant reach in the community to increase awareness of key messages for Tax Time 2024
  • tax time spokesperson, Rob Thomson, has participated in a number of podcasts, webinars and events, including activities run by tax professional associations and some consumer finance channels
  • we've updated our Tax time toolkits (including the individuals and investor toolkits) – there's over 50 PDF products that you can download and share with your clients to assist them with their work-related deductions
  • the release of the Tax agent lodgment program 2024–25 that will help tax agents manage their workloads. Our communications are focused on helping tax agents find out what's new, how to prepare for tax time, and what support options are available
  • the Tax professionals webcast for tax time discussed important considerations for your clients this tax time, changes to not-for-profit reporting, lodgment support and key issues for small business. A recording of the webcastExternal Link is now available
  • the Tax professionals newsletter will feature a roundup of things to know this tax time, including
    • items on the 2024–25 lodgment program
    • reducing the risk of a cyber security event
    • changes to fuel tax credit rates
    • a reminder that employer clients must lodge their Single Touch Payroll finalisation declarations
    • information about our Tax time toolkits
  • our Tax Time 2024 video series for the tax profession will commence this week. In the first video, Deputy Commissioner Andrew Watson will discuss what’s new and the our commitment to you.

Small Business

Law has now passed to enable eligible businesses to receive an additional 20% deduction on spending that supports electrification and more efficient use of energy in 2023–24:

  • Eligible assets or upgrades need to have been first used, or installed ready for use, between 1  July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
  • More information about what and when businesses can claim, and how to correctly claim the deduction can be found at
  • Digital service providers are currently updating their software products to include the new claim label.

Law has now passed to temporarily increase the instant asset write-off (IAWO) threshold from $1,000 to $20,000 for 2023–24:

  • The IAWO allows you to deduct the full cost of eligible assets that cost less than $20,000.
  • Eligible assets must be first used, or installed ready for use, between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
  • The $20,000 threshold will apply on a per asset basis, so you can instantly write off multiple assets.
