The lodgment program helps you manage your workload by allowing progressive lodgment of your clients' obligations over the 12-month period ending 30 June 2025.
You can access the Tax agent lodgment program or BAS agent lodgment program from our website. Check out the due dates by month for a snapshot of what's coming.
What's new?
This year's program includes the not-for-profit (NFP) self-review return. Non-charitable NFPs with an active Australian business number (ABN) are required to lodge the return to notify their eligibility for income tax exemption.
Tips to prepare your practice
As you know, good planning is the key to managing your lodgment program. To prepare your practice, we also recommend you:
- review your client list to add new clients or remove those you no longer represent
- check your clients' lodgment due dates as they may change if your clients' circumstances change
- notify us if lodgment is not required or if further returns are not necessary
- engage your clients early to obtain the information you need to lodge their obligations.
If you or your practice are experiencing challenges beyond your control, we have a range of support options to help you get back on track.