We’re seeking representatives with knowledge and insights from business, tax advisory services, professional associations and industry bodies.
If you’ve got expertise and experience in tax matters relating to privately owned and wealthy groups, submit your expression of interest before 2 October.
Established in 2016, the Private Groups Stewardship Group (PGSG) was set up to help us improve the client experience and administration of Australia’s tax, super and registry systems.
The PGSG sources member input across a range of key strategic areas, including:
- identifying opportunities to improve the tax, super and registry systems based on the real-world experiences of privately owned and wealthy groups
- gaining insights into the current issues faced by privately owned and wealthy groups
- creating a better client experience through regular and open engagement and consultation to help increase community confidence and trust in the ATO
- simplifying administration of tax, super and registry systems to encourage compliance and reduce costs.
This is an opportunity to be involved in direct, continuing dialogue with us on topics and issues that matter for Australia’s privately owned and wealthy groups. To add your voice and make a difference, nominate now.