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Online services for agents

Online services for agents (OSFA) is a secure system for registered tax and BAS agents and their authorised staff.

Last updated 24 February 2025

Info Alert
The myGovID app is now known as myID
myGovID has a new name and look – but how you use it is the same. Find out more at Link.

What Online services for agents does

The system provides access to a range of client information and services. It has a contemporary user interface that can be customised to meet your needs. It provides real-time visibility and control of your client data.

Our Tax agent or BAS agent online services guides include a detailed list of the queries and functions you can complete in Online services for agents.

Next step

Log in to Online services for agents

User support

Each task you complete in Online services for agents includes prompts to assist you. You can also select the Help button on the right-hand side of the screen for further information.

Other resources include:

System requirements

To ensure the security of Online services for agents transactions, you must meet minimum security and computer requirements.

To log in, you'll need to use both:

  • myID – a Digital ID credential to prove who you are online
  • Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) – an authorisation service that allows you to act on behalf of a business.

Each user must have their own Digital ID, such as myID to log in. If there is more than one user account in your practice, the principle authority must:

  • authorise staff to act on behalf the practice in RAM
  • use Access Manager to manage staff accesses to functions and records.

Your computer settings will need to meet our minimum system requirements.

To check your settings, use our Online services system requirements check.

See also:

Learn about key system updates in Online services for agents.

How to view, download and maintain your client list in Online services for agents.

You can access your client's digital communications using Communication preferences and Communication history.

This user guide complements the Help section available in Online services for agents.

How you can provide feedback about Online services for agents and what we do with your feedback.

Outlines your obligations as a user of Online services for agents and our obligations to you.

The Online services for agents dashboard allows you to see if Online services for agents is functioning normally or not.
