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Client declarations and lodgment online

Find out about signed declarations in writing from your client when you lodge an approved form on their behalf.

Last updated 30 June 2024


Your client is required by law to provide a declaration each time an activity statement, tax return, notice, statement, application, or other document is to be given to the Commissioner of Taxation in the approved form. They cannot provide a bulk declaration. Approved forms include activity statements and tax returns.

The client declaration must be in writing and state that:

  • they have authorised you to lodge the document and
  • the information is true and correct.

Your client can choose to provide this declaration by email, fax or in paper form.

When you lodge your client's document, you must state that you have received your client's declaration.

Electronic declarations

Certain requirements must be met when providing a declaration electronically:

  • If information is required to be given in writing it can be given electronically if the person receiving the information consents to receiving it electronically.
  • Consent does not have to be explicit and can be inferred from a person's conduct.
  • A method that is reasonable is used to identify the person's signature (for example, their email address).
    • If your client chooses to send their declaration by email, they do not need to include their scanned signature.
    • The action of sending the email and the agent accepting the information and then using that as a basis for lodging the approved form would be sufficient.
  • You consent (noting this can be inferred by your conduct) to your client's signature being sent to you by this method.
  • It is not necessary to attach the activity statement or tax return to an email providing the declaration. However, your client can choose to do so. If so, when possible, remove any identifying information to ensure that any sensitive information is not accidentally disclosed if the email is received by a person not authorised.

Your client is required to retain the declaration (or a copy) for up to 5 years, depending on their circumstances. We recommend you also keep a copy of the declaration for your own records.

The declaration can be stored electronically regardless of whether it was received by email or in paper form. Paper declarations can be scanned and stored electronically.

A streamlined process is in place for Single Touch Payroll – see Authorisation to act.

Example of a declaration

I, (name of business client) authorise (name of agent) to give the (specify the period) activity statement to the Commissioner of Taxation for (entity name).

I declare that the information provided for the preparation of this activity statement is true and correct.

I am authorised to make this declaration.

[Insert for emailed declaration] Type full name and date

[Insert for paper declaration] Signed: Date:

Declaration examples

As the following examples show, no matter what method is used:

  • a declaration must be given each time you lodge an approved form
  • the declaration must be written, for example in an email or letter (a phone conversation is not sufficient)
  • the declaration must state that the
    • information provided by the taxpayer is true and correct
    • taxpayer has authorised you to lodge the specified approved form.

Example 1: cloud computing package declaration

Nick is a tax agent and his client, Aisha, uses a cloud-based software accounting package. On 10 August 2023, she provides Nick with authentication details so he can access her business records and lodge her tax return for the 2022–23 income year.

Nick must have a declaration in writing from Aisha. She can make the declaration electronically stating that she has authorised Nick to give the document to the Commissioner and that the information is true and correct.

If the cloud-based software accounting package does not include a field for Aisha to provide that declaration, then she would need to provide a separate declaration to Nick (which could be by fax or email if she chose to do this electronically). Aisha should ensure that she clearly states which document is being lodged when providing her declaration.

Aisha's declaration would say:

I, Aisha O'Brien, declare that the information I provided by software accounting package on 10 August 2023 to Nick Lee, tax agent, in relation to the approved form for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 is true and correct and I have authorised Nick Lee to lodge the approved form.

End of example

Example 2: email declaration

Estelle is a tax agent and is emailed by her client, Ruby, who asks her to deal with the ATO on her behalf until otherwise advised.

The statement 'until otherwise advised' is sufficient authorisation for Estelle to act on behalf of Ruby. Estelle does not have to provide this authorisation on each occasion she wants to contact the ATO on behalf of Ruby.

However, each time that Estelle lodges an approved form on Ruby's behalf, Ruby must provide Estelle with a declaration stating that the information is 'true and correct' and that Ruby has authorised Estelle to lodge the approved form.

This declaration could be sent in an email or fax or in writing depending on which option Ruby prefers.

It would not be necessary to include an actual signature at the end of the email. Ruby's action of sending the email and Estelle accepting the information and then using that as a basis for lodging the approved form would be sufficient.

End of example

Example 3: declaration sent by separate email

Grace phones Duc, a tax agent, and asks that he deal with the ATO on her behalf until otherwise advised.

Even though Grace has spoken to Duc, she still needs to send the information in writing to him. She sends him an email declaration stating that information is 'true and correct' and that she has authorised Duc to lodge the approved form on her behalf.

While it would be logical for Grace to include the declaration in the email that includes all the information, it is not a legal requirement and if Grace and Duc choose to, then the declaration can be sent by separate email if the relevant approved form is clearly identified.

End of example

Example 4: declaration in paper form

Deng, a tax agent, has a client, William, who provides him with an activity statement as a printed excel spread sheet. Deng prepares William's activity statement in paper form and posts this to him to check and approve. Once William checks the paper activity statement he signs and returns it to Deng for lodgment. William has previously provided written authority for Deng to act on his behalf.

As William has signed a paper activity statement form and completed the required fields which include a signed declaration that the information is true and correct, William has met his client declaration obligations.

If William had not signed the activity statement, then he would have to make a separate declaration confirming both that the information is true and correct as well as stating he has authorised Deng to lodge the document.

Although the interaction between Deng and William has occurred by paper, Deng can keep a copy of William's declaration electronically if preferred.

William could have sent the declaration in an email rather than signing the activity statement. However, he would need to indicate which document that he is providing the declaration for in his email.

End of example

Example 5: email with information and declaration

Terry completes his activity statement and then provides information to his tax agent, Anne, by email and states in the email that authorisation to lodge has been provided.

As Terry has signed the declaration in the activity statement and the authorisation to lodge has been provided then he has met his legal requirements. If the information is faxed or emailed as a portable downloadable file (PDF), the electronic signature provisions would be satisfied.

End of example

Example 6: information in separate emails

Yanni's client, Kate, provides her tax return electronically but doesn’t complete the declaration field. She then sends a separate email advising that the tax return she sent previously is true and correct.

Kate has met the requirements for 'true and correct' however the declaration has not been sufficiently specified. It would not be enough to state that the tax return sent previously is true and correct. That could refer to any tax return Kate sent previously and it needs to be more specific. For example, by referring to the year of the tax return or the date of the previous email.

End of example

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