About this schedule

Last updated 12 October 2020

Using this schedule

This schedule applies to payments made from 13 October 2020.

If you develop your own payroll or accounting software package, this schedule provides the formulas and coefficients you will need to calculate the amounts to be withheld from payments made on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly basis.

Separate scales apply to:

  • foreign residents
  • employees who have claimed or not claimed the tax-free threshold
  • employees claiming a full or half-exemption from the Medicare levy

To assist employers who don't have a software package, our website provides the following tools which are based on the formulas in this schedule:

Payments covered include:

  • salary, wages, allowances and leave loading paid to employees
  • paid parental leave
  • directors' fees
  • salary and allowances paid to office holders (including members of parliament, statutory office holders, defence force members and police officers)
  • payments to labour-hire workers
  • payments to religious practitioners
  • government pensions
  • government education or training payments
  • compensation, sickness or accident payments that are calculated at a periodical rate and made because a person is unable to work (unless the payment is made under an insurance policy to the policy owner).

Do not use this schedule for payments made to individuals employed under a working holiday makers visa. You must use the Tax table for working holiday makers for all payments made to them, including lump sum payments.


Payroll or accounting software written in accordance with the formulas in this schedule should be tested for accuracy against the sample data provided.

The results obtained when using the coefficients in this schedule may differ slightly from the sums of the amounts shown in the PAYG tax tables. The differences result from the rounding of components. Withholding calculated using either method is accepted.

You can download a printable version of Statement of formulas for calculating amounts to be withheld (PDF 963KB)This link will download a file (NAT 1004).

Other statements of formulas

Statements of formulas for other classes of payees are also available. These include:
