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Working out the withholding amount

Factors to consider when working out the withholding amount.

Published 16 June 2024

Factors to consider

Factors to consider when working out the withholding amount include:

  • whether the payee is an Australian resident or foreign resident for tax purposes
  • the age of the payee
  • the frequency of the super income stream payments – for example, weekly, fortnightly or monthly
  • whether the payee is claiming the tax-free threshold
  • whether the payee is claiming the seniors and pensioners tax offset
  • whether the payee is receiving a disability super income stream
  • whether the super income stream includes an untaxed element (generally payments from state and Commonwealth public sector super schemes)
  • the type of super income stream
  • whether the total of the taxed elements and tax-free component is greater or less than the defined benefit income cap (the cap)
  • whether the defined benefit income cap should be reduced
  • whether the income stream is a super death benefit income stream.

Payments to Australian residents

This schedule is divided into 5 parts. The amount required to be withheld from a super income stream depends on the type of super income stream you pay:

  • account-based super income stream – use part A
  • capped defined benefit income stream and
    • payee is under 60 years of age at any time during the financial year, including  
      • disability super income streams
      • death benefit (including reversionary) income streams where the deceased was aged less than 60 – use part A
        (Note: Where the payee turns 60 during the year you will need to complete part E for post 60 income stream payments)
    • payee turns 60 years of age during the financial year or starts their super income stream part way through the year at age 60 or older – use part E for post 60 income stream payments.
    • payee is 60 years of age or over for the full financial year  
      • a taxable component – taxed element and or a tax-free component – use part B
      • a taxable component – untaxed element only – use part C
      • a mixture of the above components – use part D
    • payee is under 60 years of age, and is in receipt of a reversionary death benefit income stream and the deceased was 60 years of age or older at the time of death – use part E.

Payments to foreign residents

If the super income stream is to be made to a foreign resident, you will need to check if there is a tax treaty with their country of residence. If the super income stream is assessable in the other country because of the treaty, no withholding is required.

If a foreign resident's super income stream is assessable in Australia, you are required to withhold from the payment.

For more information, see:

Rounding of withholding amounts

Ignore any cents in an income stream before using any of the steps in this schedule to calculate withholding. Withholding amounts calculated using the steps are rounded to the nearest dollar. Results ending in exactly 50 cents are rounded to the next highest dollar. Do this rounding directly. Do not make a preliminary rounding to the nearest cent. Where no TFN has been provided, cents are ignored when withholding amounts are calculated.

