Easier to read documents
We understand that people have different needs when accessing information.
We have developed some information that is written in a way that is easier to read. This way of writing can help people to understand tax and super better.
Document format
To make sure this information can be used by everyone we provide it in two ways.
HTML format
Can be read on computers, smart phones and tablets. People who use screen readers, magnifiers, navigation switches or speech recognition software to access the internet can read this format.
PDF format
You can print a PDF. Then you can give it to:
- people who do not have access to the internet
- a support person who will read it with you.
If a PDF document is not provided you can use the Save to PDF icon on the top right-hand side of the screen to create one.
We developed this content with help from the community. Feedback helps us improve.
If you'd like to give us feedback, please use the 'Feedback' tab, available on the right-hand side of the screen.
ATO information that is easier to read.