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Report fraud, phoenix, tax evasion, shadow economy activity, or unpaid super

How to report scams, tax evasion, shadow economy activity, tax planning scheme, unpaid super or fraud by an ATO officer.

19 January 2023

Report a scam

If you receive a communication from the ATO that that you're not sure about, you can:

  • read about how to verify a scam
  • phone us on 1800 008 540 between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

To report unsolicited emails that claim to be from the ATO, forward the entire email to

Report phoenix, tax evasion or shadow economy activity

We are committed to tackling phoenix, tax evasion or shadow economy activity. You can help us keep the system fair for everyone.

How to make a tip-off

It only takes a few minutes to make a tip-off. If you know or suspect phoenix, tax evasion or shadow economy activity, report it by:

  • completing the tip-off form – also available in the contact us section of the ATO app
  • phoning the ATO tip-off hotline on 1800 060 062
  • writing to us – mark all letters 'In confidence' and post to

Australian Taxation Office
Tax Integrity Centre
PO Box 188

Protecting your privacy

Information provided to us is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. Read our ATO privacy policy.

If you believe your privacy has been compromised, you can:

  • phone our privacy hotline on 1300 661 542
  • write to us at

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9990

For example

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9990

Report a tax planning scheme

Report tax planning, tax avoidance or inappropriate super schemes to us as early as possible. This helps us stop people getting caught up in schemes and avoid penalties.

Contact us to report a tax planning, tax avoidance or super scheme by:

  • completing the tip-off form.– also available in the contact us section of the ATO app
  • phoning the ATO tip-off hotline on 1800 060 062.

Report unpaid super

Individuals can visit Unpaid super from my employer if they think their employer isn't paying their super guarantee contribution.

Third parties, including super funds, unions, government agencies and tax professionals, should contact us directly and report employers that are not meeting their super guarantee or choice of fund obligations.

Report fraud or corruption by ATO officers

If you suspect or know about fraudulent or corrupt activity by an ATO employee or contractor, contact Fraud Prevention and Internal Investigations by:

All reports are treated as strictly confidential. Information you provide will help ensure the integrity of the ATO.