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Matters currently under consultation for Business.

Last updated 3 July 2024

[202415] GST product classification - self-review guide and checklist


June 2024

Expected completion of consultation

June 2024

Consultation status

Targeted consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback on the new self-review guide and checklist for GST classification of products to ensure it meets the needs of taxpayers.


The ATO has developed a self-review guide and checklist for GST classification of products. The self-review guide and checklist is designed to provide taxpayers with practical step-by-step guidance to:

  • undertake regular self-review of the GST classification of their supplies
  • assess the robustness of business system processes and controls that directly impact the decisions on GST classification of supplies
  • feedback will ensure the self-review guide and checklist meets the needs of taxpayers and will help to identify any areas for improvement.

Who we are consulting

  • Industry representatives
  • Advisory firms
  • Members of the GST Stewardship Group

Consultation lead

Virginia Hernandez, Public Groups
Phone 03 860 19383

[202414] Tax consequences on sales of small-scale land subdivisions


June 2024

Expected completion of consultation

October 2024

Consultation status

Targeted consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback on proposed additional examples of tax consequences on sales of land, including small-scale land subdivisions.


The ATO is seeking to expand on the published Tax consequences on sales of small-scale land subdivisions by adding to the examples currently on our Legal database.

The proposed expansion will centre around 3 current topical areas:

  • properties acquired or held for multiple purposes, including resale for profit
  • the circumstances which constitute mere realisation of a capital asset
  • carrying on a business of renovating properties, also referred to as ‘property flipping’.

Who we are consulting

  • Private Groups Stewardship Group
  • Communication Content Working Group
  • Property and Construction Stakeholder Relationship Forum

Consultation lead

Andrew Fenn, Private Wealth
Phone 08 8208 1553

[202413] Additional tier 1 capital note issuances


June 2024

Expected completion of consultation

August 2024

Consultation status

Targeted consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback to inform potential public advice and guidance on additional tier 1 (AT1) capital note issuances.


AT1 capital is a key element of the capital structure for Australian financial institutions. The ATO receives numerous applications for binding advice through the rulings system on the tax consequences associated with AT1 capital notes for investors and issuers.

There is currently a high level of maturity and consistency in AT1 capital note issuances, including their terms and features and their tax consequences.

The current approach to providing guidance is on a case-by-case basis. The ATO is considering opportunities to streamline guidance on AT1 capital note issuances and is seeking feedback on whether a Taxation Ruling would eliminate or substantially reduce the incidence of class and private ruling requests.

Who we are consulting

  • Financial Institutions
  • Industry bodies
  • Tax agents and advisory firms

Consultation lead

Veronica Richards, Public Groups
Phone 02 9374 2067

[202409] Attribution of risk weighted assets for thin capitalisation (foreign banks)


March 2024

Expected completion of consultation

September 2024

Consultation status

Feedback received on the Discussion paper – Thin capitalisation - attribution of risk weighted assets to Australian branches of foreign banks, which closed on 31 May 2024, is being considered.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback on the ATO’s proposed view on the appropriate attribution of risk weighted assets to branches for the purposes of applying the thin capitalisation rules for inward investing entities (ADI).


Foreign banks that conduct their banking business in Australia through branch(es) are subject to Australia’s thin capitalisation rules. The rules require a foreign bank to allocate a minimum amount of equity capital to its branch.

Typically, foreign banks use the safe harbour rule to work out their minimum capital amount. The rule is based on ensuring there is sufficient equity capital funding that part of the risk-weighted assets of the bank that is attributable to its branch.

The ATO does not currently have a published view on how to determine that part of the risk-weighted assets attributable to a branch. Feedback will assist in the development of an ATO view on the topic with the aim of providing certainty and a consistent industry approach.

Who we are consulting

  • Foreign banks with branch operations in Australia
  • Industry bodies
  • Australian Banking Association
  • Australian Financial Markets Association
  • Tax agents and advisory firms

Consultation lead

Johanna Tang, Public Groups
Phone 02 9374 1689

[202408] Inbound related party financing by private groups in the property and construction industry


March 2024

Expected completion of consultation

August 2024

Consultation status

Targeted consultation will commence in July.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback on proposed website guidance and examples relating to inbound related party financing by private groups in the property and construction industry.


The ATO is seeking to publish website guidance relating to inbound related party financing by private groups in the property and construction industry with accompanying examples on the ATO Legal Database.

Who we are consulting

Consultation lead

Lynette Purcell, Private Wealth
Phone: 08 9268 6091

[202405] Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles – valuing fuel


February 2024

Expected completion of consultation

October 2024

Consultation status

Consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To explore possible valuation methodologies for both electricity and petrol expenses of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).


Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2024/2 Electric vehicle home charging rate – calculating electricity costs when a vehicle is charged at an employee's or individual's home provides a methodology for calculating electric vehicle home charging expenses. However, the guideline does not apply to PHEVs, which use a mix of fuels (electricity and petrol) to power the vehicle.

The ATO will consult with key tax and electric vehicle experts on whether there is a possible valuation methodology, that provides a reasonable basis to split the kilometres driven fuelled by electricity or petrol for a PHEV.

Who we are consulting

Consultation lead

Mark East, Superannuation and Employer Obligations
Phone 02 6058 7124

[202404] Modernising PAYG instalment systems for small businesses with business accounting software


February 2024

Expected completion of consultation

December 2024

Consultation status

Consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To explore opportunities to help small businesses calculate their pay as you go (PAYG) instalments based on current financial performance extracted from business accounting software.


The Modernisation of PAYG instalment systems measure was announced by the government in March 2022 in the Budget 2022–23 (PDF 3.83MB)This link will download a file. Under the measure, companies can choose to have their PAYG instalments calculated based on current financial performance, extracted from business accounting software, with some tax adjustments. The intent is to improve alignment between PAYG instalment liabilities and profitability, and support companies in managing cash flows.

Small businesses can use software to manage their business operations and meet their tax obligations. The ATO is exploring how data within a small business’s natural digital accounting system could be leveraged to enable the calculation of PAYG instalments based on current financial performance, without the need for legislative change.

This is part of Improve small business tax performance, one of the key focus areas in the ATO corporate plan 2023–24. The ATO is collaborating with partners to build a digital-first tax ecosystem to enable seamless tax reporting from business source systems.

Who we are consulting

  • Tax professional associations
  • Digital service providers
  • Financial technology providers
  • Tax and BAS agents
  • Small businesses

Consultation lead

Michael Morton, Small Business
Phone 02 9374 2043

[202403] Embedding value-added macro data into natural digital systems


February 2024

Expected completion of consultation

December 2024

Consultation status

Consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To understand how, and what types of, ATO macro data could be made available to small businesses to help improve their tax performance.


Small businesses use third-party software, for example accounting software, to manage their business operations, understand and track their financial performance, and meet their tax obligations on time and in full.

The ATO is currently exploring the feasibility of embedding certain macro data and information into small business’ natural digital systems and software. This could include:

  • ATO or other government agencies’ benchmark data and benchmark tools
  • certain ATO risk rules.

This could assist small businesses and their advisers to:

  • identify and understand tax risks and potential processing errors
  • make informed decisions on identified tax risks
  • compare their financial performance to similar businesses
  • build confidence in the ATO’s administration of the tax system.

This is part of Improve small business tax performance, one of the key focus areas in the ATO corporate plan 2023–24. The ATO is collaborating with key stakeholders to build a digital-first tax ecosystem to enable small businesses to better understand their comparative tax performance and identify potential errors or tax risks prior to lodgment. This will help streamline the tax experience and make it easier for small businesses to comply with their obligations.

Who we are consulting

  • Small businesses
  • Tax and BAS agents
  • Digital service providers
  • Financial technology providers
  • Tax professional partners
  • Small business industry representatives
  • Relevant government departments

Consultation lead

Michael Morton, Small Business
Phone 02 9374 2043

[202323] Division 7A guidance within software


October 2023

Expected completion of consultation

October 2024

Consultation status

Consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To seek insights from digital service providers to inform the design of Division 7A guidance within software products.


Small business can use software to manage their business operations and tax and superannuation obligations.

Division 7A is contained in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and is a complex area of the tax law. Statistically, Division 7A represents a significant part of the tax gap and is an out of tolerance risk.

The ATO has observed a general lack of awareness and understanding of Division 7A by small businesses and their registered tax agents which contributes to this risk.

Digital service providers build software that supports business in maintaining daily operations while meeting tax and superannuation obligations.

Guidance prompts and nudges could be embedded within software products at different touchpoints during a typical Division 7A lifecycle. These prompts would seek to raise awareness of potential Division 7A risks and issues as they arise. Guidance would help small businesses and their registered tax agents take corrective action.

Consultation with digital service providers will ensure Division 7A guidance within software products is viable and adds value for clients whilst also achieving ATO objectives.

Who we are consulting

  • Digital service providers
  • Financial technology providers
  • Tax professionals

Consultation lead

Michael Morton, Small Business
Phone 02 9374 2043

[202322] Sharing Economy Reporting Regime Phase 2


August 2023

Expected completion of consultation

August 2024

Consultation status

Targeted consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To seek feedback regarding implementation of the next phase (Tranche 2) of the Sharing Economy Reporting Regime including:

  • public advice and guidance
  • reporting requirements (data and lodgment).


Schedule 2 of the Treasury Laws Amendment (2022 Measures No. 2) Act 2022External Link requires operators of electronic distribution platforms (EDPs) to report information to the ATO on transactions relating to supplies made through the platform. This measure implements a recommendation of the report of the Black Economy Taskforce.

Under the measure, EDP operators are required to report transactions that occur on or after:

  • 1 July 2023 if it relates to a supply of taxi services (including ride-sourcing) or short-term accommodation
  • 1 July 2024 for all other reportable transactions.

The first phase (Tranche 1) of consultation, [202230] Sharing Economy Reporting Regime, considered EDP reporting transactions related to a supply of taxi service (including ride-sourcing) or short term accommodation.

Consultation for Tranche 2 will include all other reportable transactions for all other industries.

Who we are consulting

  • EDPs operating across all other affected industries
  • Peak body representatives
  • Tax and other professional associations

Consultation lead

Vanessa Kelly, Small Business Experience
Phone 02 4223 2851

[202314] Right time tax payments and reporting


May 2023

Expected completion of consultation

September 2024

Consultation status

Targeted consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To understand the costs and benefits that ‘right time’ tax payments and reporting might have on small business.


Understanding the costs and benefits of ‘right time’ (reducing the time between taxable events, their reporting and any payment) tax payments and reporting is part of Improve small business tax performance and participation by collaborating with partners to build a digital first tax ecosystem, enabling seamless tax reporting from business source systems – one of the key focus areas in the ATO corporate plan 2023–24.

The ATO is exploring the cost and benefits of ‘right time’ (more regular) GST or pay-as-you-go withholding (PAYGW) reporting and/or payments, through the following pilots:

  • small businesses using a digital service to pay more frequent GST payments to the ATO
  • small businesses changing their GST lodgment cycle from quarterly to monthly
  • small businesses represented by a tax or BAS agent who report PAYGW monthly and GST quarterly trialling an earlier PAYGW due date for March 2024 and June 2024.

Who we are consulting

  • Small businesses that subscribe to digital services offering the option to remit more frequent payments of GST
  • Small businesses within the retail industry who are currently on a quarterly GST lodgment cycle
  • Small businesses who are currently registered for quarterly GST reporting and monthly PAYGW reporting.
  • Tax and BAS agents
  • Digital service providers
  • Financial technology providers
  • Tax professional associations
  • Small Business Stewardship Group
  • BAS Agent Association Group

Consultation lead

Michael Morton, Small Business
Phone 02 9374 2043

[202313] Preventing errors and mistakes through small business software


May 2023

Expected completion of consultation

June 2025

Consultation status

Targeted consultation is underway.

Consultation purpose

To explore opportunities to prevent errors and mistakes through software that small businesses use.


Small business can use software to manage their business operations and tax obligations.

The ATO is currently exploring how messaging and prompts could be embedded into software to assist tax professionals and small businesses identify issues that may otherwise be overlooked or not properly understood and help them get their tax right prior to lodgment.

This will include:

  • identifying errors and mistakes
  • co-designing messages and prompts to reduce common errors and mistakes.

This is part of the Improve small business tax performance initiative. The ATO is collaborating with partners to build a digital first tax ecosystem, enabling seamless tax reporting from business source systems – one of the key focus areas in the ATO corporate plan 2023–24.

Who we are consulting

  • Tax professional associations
  • Digital service providers
  • Financial technology providers
  • Tax and BAS agents

Consultation lead

Michael Morton, Small Business
Phone 02 9374 2043


