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Getting help for not-for-profits

The ATO offers a range of services, tools and support to help not-for-profit (NFP) administrators manage their organisation's tax and super affairs.

Last updated 29 April 2021

We offer a range of services, tools and support to help not-for-profit (NFP) administrators manage their organisation's tax and super affairs. Including a not-for-profit line – our premium advice service – to call if you have questions.

Hear about some of the services we offer to help NFPs:

Media: Not-for-profit services & support at the ATO v=nixx79jdna1gzsExternal Link (Duration: 02:04)

Subscribe to our newsletter

To keep up to date with tax and super news tailored for the NFP sector, subscribe to our newsletter. Each month you'll receive an email direct to your inbox with the latest:

  • changes to tax law
  • advice and tips
  • news on fundraising, tax concessions, GST and employer obligations.

Next step:

Help for every stage of your NFP

Our website has information to support your organisation across its entire lifespan – including if you are:

Check your obligations

It's important that you regularly check how well your organisation is managing its tax and super obligations. We recommend you review your organisation annually, and whenever your organisation makes changes to its governing rules, structure or activities.

Use our checklists and worksheets to:

  • review your organisation's status as a not-for-profit
  • check how well your organisation understands its tax and super obligations
  • check you are still eligible for deductible gift recipient (DGR) endorsement or the income tax exemption.

Next step:

Not-for-profit administrators

If you are starting a new role as administrator of a not-for-profit organisation, the Getting started as a not-for-profit page can help. It provides you with information and services we have to assist you, as well as an overview of NFP tax issues and links to other important sections of our website.

If you are handing over an NFP organisation's tax affairs to a new administrator – for example, a treasurer, office bearer or employee – we have a checklist you can use to help step you through the process.

Next step:

Advice on complex matters

If you are considering applying for advice in relation to a complex tax or super transaction, contact us for an early engagement discussion.

This gives you an opportunity to engage with us so we can understand your circumstances and identify possible issues or concerns.

You can apply for a private ruling when you want to be certain about how a tax law applies to your circumstances.

See also:

Advice from a registered tax agent

You can use a registered tax agent to prepare and lodge your tax return for you. They are the only people allowed to charge a fee to prepare and lodge your tax return. You will need to organise your required financial information to take to your appointment.

Tax agents must be registered with the Tax Practitioners BoardExternal Link (TPB). Refer to Finding and using a tax practitionerExternal Link to find a registered tax agent, or check whether a person is registered.

Using a registered tax agent provides you with consumer protection as the TPB ensures tax agents:

  • meet and maintain the required standard or qualifications and experience
  • comply with the Code of Professional Conduct.

Note: When choosing an agent, you should discuss the service to be provided so you both know what to expect.

Podcast – Not-for-profits: Getting started

Listen to our podcast, Not-for-profits: Getting started, where we sit down with Anna Lyons from Justice Connect and discuss what you need to know about tax and super when you start a not-for-profit. We cover everything from the difference between a charity and an NFP organisation, to considerations you should factor in when choosing your legal structure. It includes plenty of handy tips and practical real-life examples.

Webinars and videos

We regularly run webinars on important topics for NFPs. You can register to attend and ask your questions during the session. Details of upcoming webinars are available on our webinars page.

You can also view previous webinar recordings and other videos on the Not-for-profit channelExternal Link on atoTV.

ATO app – tax and super on the go

Downloading the ATO app gives you quick access to handy tools and calculators and answers to frequently asked questions. Other features include:

  • The Australian business number (ABN) lookup tool which allows you to search for a business's ABN and view other public information about the business.
  • Key dates –create a list of due dates to save as reminders in your smartphone or tablet.

If you are an employer, the app has tools to help you:

  • check if an employee is eligible for compulsory super contributions, and calculate the contribution amount
  • check how much tax is required to be withheld from a salary or wage payment.

Support during a disaster

If you are affected by a recent event or disaster such as a bushfire, COVID-19, cyclone, drought or flood we know your first priority is to focus on family and community. If you need assistance with your tax affairs, we can help you.

We also provide advice if your organisation wants to collect funds or make donations to victims, or if you are setting up an Australian disaster relief fund.

See also:

Other support for not-for-profits

The following non-government organisations can help you with legal and other issues:

Contact us

NFP administrators can phone our dedicated Not-for-profit Premium Advice Service on 1300 130 248 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday for information about:

  • getting started
  • tax concessions
  • getting endorsed
  • gifts and fundraising.

You can also ask questions by completing a Not-for-profit advice request (PDF 121KB)This link will download a file.

For questions about activity statements or to update your details, phone us on 13 28 66 between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra. 

The ATO offers a range of services, tools and support to help not-for-profit (NFP) administrators manage their organisation's tax and super affairs.
