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Privacy notices for individuals

Find out about our privacy notices for individuals and why we collect your personal information.

Last updated 17 June 2024

Why we have privacy notices

When we ask for your personal information, we are required by law to advise you that we have collected your information and why we collect it.

Privacy notices that relate to our collection of your personal information directly from our forms are grouped by topic below. To access the privacy notices select the topic, then select your form name.

Income tax returns

These privacy notices provide information about our collection of personal information for income tax returns.

Income tax return schedules

These privacy notices provide information about our collection of personal information for income tax return schedules.


This privacy notice provides information about our collection of personal information for Medicare.

Notification of change of personal details

These privacy notices provide information about our collection of personal information for change of personal details notifications.


This privacy notice provides information about our collection of personal information for objections.

Pay as you go (PAYG)

These privacy notices provide information about our collection of personal information for PAYG.

Study and training support loans

This privacy notice provides information about our collection of personal information for study and training support loans.


These privacy notices provide information about our collection of personal information for superannuation.

TFN applications and tax system registration for individuals

These privacy notices provide information about our collection of personal for TFN applications and tax system registrations by an individual.
