- [202507] Agent authorisation process for individuals and sole traders [NEW]
- [202506] Build to rent development tax incentives [NEW]
- [202503] Indigenous and Remote Communities Grant Opportunity – National Tax Clinic program
- [202427] Integration of the Cloud Authentication and Authorisation model into the sending service provider process
- [202426] Public country-by-country reporting transparency measure and exemption discretions
- [202423] Enhancing eInvoicing adoption [UPDATED]
- [202404] Modernising PAYG instalment systems for small businesses with business accounting software
Registered | February 2025 |
Expected completion of consultation | March 2025 |
Consultation status | Targeted consultation will commence in March. |
Consultation purpose | To seek feedback on public advice and guidance priorities for Australia’s new build to rent (BTR) development tax incentives. |
Description | The Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Act 2024 and Capital Works (Build To Rent Misuse Tax) Act 2024 received Royal Assent on 10 December 2024. A legislative instrument covering initial standards for the BTR measure was made on 18 December 2024 and further legislative instruments will be made in 2025. The measure commenced from 1 January 2025. There are some aspects of the law that may not be clear and may require administrative or interpretive guidance for those adopting the BTR laws. The ATO is aware of certain areas where stakeholders may require interpretive assistance. We are consulting to understand what guidance stakeholders require to correctly apply the laws, so we can support their participation and compliance. We anticipate public advice and guidance will reduce the number of enquiries raised with the ATO on the BTR measure. These enquiries could range from general administrative enquiries through to private binding rulings. |
Who we are consulting |
Consultation lead | Blake Sly, Public Groups |
Registered | January 2025 |
Expected completion of consultation | March 2025 |
Consultation status | Targeted consultation is underway. |
Consultation purpose | To seek feedback on the design of the Indigenous and Remote Grant Opportunity Guidelines to ensure the guidelines are fit for purpose. |
Description | A closed non-competitive grant opportunity is being designed for special projects to be delivered by National Tax Clinics to Indigenous and remote communities, including low socio-economic areas and small businesses. This work will be delivered through the National Tax Clinic program by participating tax clinics who are successful in a closed non-competitive grant round. We are seeking feedback from tax clinics to inform the design of the grant opportunity guidelines. This is to ensure the guidelines are fit for purpose in line with better practice according to the Commonwealth Grant Rules and Principles 2024. Feedback will inform the application process, including the assessment criteria and types of special projects to be delivered under the grant. |
Who we are consulting |
Consultation lead | Maryam Awan, Objections and Review |
Registered | December 2024 |
Expected completion of consultation | June 2025 |
Consultation status | Targeted consultation is underway. |
Consultation purpose | To understand the implications of integrating the Cloud Authentication and Authorisation (CAA) model into the sending service provider (SSP) process and explore what support the ATO can provide impacted stakeholders to assist with the transition. |
Description | The SSP model was initially introduced to support the implementation of Single Touch Payroll (STP), providing an interim solution for digital service providers (DSPs) unable to integrate with Standard Business Reporting services. The Cloud Authentication and Authorisation (CAA) framework is the current model used to establish a relationship between the software user and the Cloud based Digital Service Provider (DSP) and we’re looking to integrate with this model. Changes will impact approximately 43,000 businesses currently utilising SSPs for STP submissions. Consultation will help us understand the implications of integrating the CAA model into the SSP process and identify the support we can provide to impacted stakeholders. |
Who we are consulting |
Consultation lead | Kylie Johnston, Enterprise Solutions and Technology |
Registered | December 2024 |
Expected completion of consultation | June 2025 |
Consultation status | Targeted consultation is underway. |
Consultation purpose | To seek feedback on public advice and guidance priorities for Australia’s new public country-by-country (CBC) reporting regime. |
Description | Following the introduction of the public CBC reporting regime in Australia, the ATO is committed to ensuring clear and effective guidance on its administration. One key component of this regime is the exemption process, which allows certain entities to apply for full or partial exemptions from public reporting requirements under specific circumstances. To support the fair and transparent administration of exemptions, we are developing a draft Practice Statement (PSLA) to outline the criteria, evidence requirements, and decision-making framework. The PSLA will outline the Commissioner of Taxation’s approach to proposed public CBC reporting exemptions in the Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024. The guidance will include:
This initiative builds on feedback received during the consultation process for the drafting of the public CBC reporting and aims to provide clarity and certainty to affected multinational entities (MNEs). |
Who we are consulting |
Consultation lead | Chris Bailey, Public Groups |
Registered | October 2024 |
Expected completion of consultation | February 2025 |
Consultation status | Consultation is paused pending further engagement with Treasury. |
Consultation purpose | To understand the implications for business if eInvoicing becomes the preferred channel for government to accept invoices from suppliers, and to explore the support expected from the Australian Peppol Authority, particularly during the transition period. |
Description | Currently, use of eInvoicing via the Peppol network in Australia is optional. Despite efficiency and security benefits, adoption to date remains below the levels to needed to realise the broader productivity benefits associated with the technology. Consultation will explore how the Australian Peppol Authority can increase the use of eInvoicing for business to government transactions, how this would affect various segments of the community, and what support may be required to assist through the transition period. |
Who we are consulting |
Consultation lead | Mark Stockwell, Enterprise Solutions and Technology |
Registered | February 2024 |
Expected completion of consultation | December 2025 |
Consultation status | Consultation is underway. |
Consultation purpose | To explore opportunities to help small businesses calculate their pay as you go (PAYG) instalments based on current financial performance extracted from business accounting software. |
Description | The Modernisation of PAYG instalment systems measure was announced by the government in March 2022 in the Budget 2022–23 (PDF 3.83MB)External Link. Under the measure, companies can choose to have their PAYG instalments calculated based on current financial performance, extracted from business accounting software, with some tax adjustments. The intent is to improve alignment between PAYG instalment liabilities and profitability, and support companies in managing cash flows. Small businesses can use software to manage their business operations and meet their tax obligations. The ATO is exploring how data within a small business’s natural digital accounting system could be leveraged to enable the calculation of PAYG instalments based on current financial performance, without the need for legislative change. This is part of Improve small business tax performance, one of the key focus areas in the ATO corporate plan 2023–24. The ATO is collaborating with partners to build a digital-first tax ecosystem to enable seamless tax reporting from business source systems. |
Who we are consulting |
Consultation lead | Michael Morton, Small Business |