We are transparent about our administration of the system. We engage with you and your advisers to maintain the health of the system.
Engaging through consultation
We consult with you, your tax advisers, professional associations and industry stakeholders to improve our understanding of your business environment and current tax issues you face. Our key forums for consulting with public and international groups are the Large Business Liaison Group and National Tax Liaison Group.
By working with you, we can identify the right areas to reduce red tape, minimise compliance costs, improve the administration of the tax and super systems, and increase willing participation.
You can:
- get involved through our Consultation webpage.
See also:
External scrutineers
We are open and accountable in our administration of the tax system and are subject to review by external scrutineers, including:
- parliamentary committees
- the Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman
- the Board of Taxation
- the Commonwealth Ombudsman
- the Australian National Audit Office.
We work closely with Treasury in developing new tax policy and legislation. We may refer matters to Treasury if the tax law is not consistent with policy, or produces unintended consequences or significant compliance costs.
We encourage you to contribute to enquiries by our external reviewers as you consider appropriate.
We are transparent about our administration of the system. We engage with you and your advisers to maintain the health of the system. Find out how we engage through consultation and our external scrutineers.