Have you self-assessed the effective life of any depreciating assets acquired in the income year?
Answer Yes or No as appropriate.
For more information, see Effective life of an asset or the Guide to depreciating assets 2024.
Did you recalculate the effective life for any of your depreciating assets this income year?
Answer Yes or No as appropriate.
For more information, see Uniform capital allowance system – Changing a depreciating asset's effective life or Guide to depreciating assets 2024
Total depreciation deducted for income year
Write your depreciation expense deduction amount, calculated under section 40-25 of the ITAA 1997.
For more information, see Uniform capital allowance system: calculating the decline in value of a depreciating asset
Total section 40-880 deductions
Write the total amount of the trust’s deductions allowable under section 40-880 of the ITAA 1997.
For more information, see Claiming a tax deduction for depreciating assets and other capital expenses
Total Division 43 capital works deductions (special building write-off)
Write the amount of your capital works deductions allowable under Division 43 of the ITAA 1997.
For more information, see Capital works deductions.
Continue to: Small business bonus deductions
Return to: Instructions to complete the AMIT tax return 2024