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Personal investors guide to CGT 2002-03

A guide to your tax obligations if you made a capital gain or loss from shares, units or managed funds.

Last updated 5 October 2009

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If you would prefer to read this document in portable document format (pdf): download the Personal investors guide to capital gains tax 2003 (PDF 436 KB)This link will download a file. This guide is 44 pages long.

Error in print publication

In August 2003, an error was identified on page 21 of this publication. Read the correct paragraph here.

Check when to use this guide. Small business concessions and terms used in this guide.

Explains capital gains tax obligations including if it applies, how to work it out and what records you need to keep.

The page number refers to the paper version of this document and indicates the first time each term is used.

Supporting publications and phone numbers.
