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15 February 2022

Complete only one copy of each appropriate schedule.

Attach all completed schedules to the Company tax return 2019 unless specified otherwise.

You must lodge your return and all the required schedules by the due date. If you lodge your tax return without all the required schedules, we may not consider it to have been lodged in the approved form. Unless you lodge your return and all schedules by the due date, you may be charged a penalty for failing to lodge on time.

Companies that were subsidiary members of consolidated or MEC groups during only part of the income year and that are lodging a company tax return for a period they were not a subsidiary member of any group (non-membership period) must complete all relevant schedules for the non-membership period if required by the following instructions.

For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year, see the Consolidation reference manual sheet C9-5-110.

In this section:

Schedule of additional information

Where we refer to a schedule of additional information, you must record any additional information on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the tax return.

Dividend and interest schedule

Every company (see note) must lodge a Dividend and interest schedule 2019 (NAT 8030) showing:

  • the names, addresses, dates of birth and tax file numbers (TFNs) or Australian business numbers (ABNs), where quoted, of all shareholders (including employee shareholders in a consolidated or MEC group) to whom dividends, or deemed dividends, have been paid during the income year ended 30 June 2019 (or approved substituted accounting period)
  • the amount of dividend paid to each shareholder, and any franking credits for that amount. There are separate labels for unfranked dividends that are and are not declared to be conduit foreign income.
  • the names, addresses, dates of birth and TFNs or ABNs, where quoted, of all investors, other than those investors in the business of providing business or consumer finance, to whom interest of $1 or more was paid or credited during the income year ended 30 June 2019 (or substituted accounting period), and the amount of interest paid or credited to each person.

Consolidated and MEC groups

Consolidated and MEC groups do not include:

  • dividends paid under a demerger unless the head entity of the demerger group elected under subsection 44(2) of the ITAA 1936 to treat those dividends as assessable income, or
  • dividends paid by one member to another within a consolidated or MEC group
  • interest paid by one member to another within a consolidated or MEC group.

Consolidated and MEC groups include:

  • interest paid or credited by a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group to an investor outside the group.

If a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group must lodge a company tax return for any non-membership periods during the year of income, that company must also lodge a schedule showing the above details for dividends or interest paid during the non-membership periods. For more information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year, see the Consolidation reference manual, sheet C9-5-110.

Note: Annual investment income report (AIIR)

If Division 393 of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 requires a company to lodge an AIIR for the income year ended 30 June 2019 containing the above details, the company does not need to lodge a dividend and interest schedule.

Lodging the schedule

You can lodge the schedule with the company tax return or under separate cover. However, you must lodge it by the due date for lodgment of the company tax return for companies whose income year ends on 30 June 2019. Companies with an approved substituted accounting period must lodge their schedule by 31 October 2019 or the due date for lodgment of their company tax return, whichever is later.

If you are lodging your schedule separately from your company tax return you will need to sign the schedule declaration.

Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule

Companies that have one or more CGT events during the income year must complete a Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule 2019 and attach it to the Company tax return 2019 if:

  • total current year capital gains are greater than $10,000, or
  • total current year capital losses are greater than $10,000.

The head company of a consolidated or MEC group must complete a Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule 2019 if the total current year capital gains or the total current year capital losses that it makes (as head company of the consolidated or MEC group and while not a member of a consolidated or MEC group) are greater than $10,000.

If a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group must lodge a company tax return for any non-membership periods during the year of income, then that company may also need to lodge a Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule 2019 for the non-membership periods if the total capital gains or total capital losses that it makes are greater than $10,000. For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year, see the Consolidation reference manual, sheet C9-5-110.

The Guide to capital gains tax 2019 (NAT 4151) will help you complete the CGT schedule. It includes:

  • a capital gain or capital loss worksheet for calculating a capital gain or capital loss for each CGT event
  • a CGT summary worksheet for calculating a net capital gain or net capital loss for the income year
  • the CGT schedule.

Losses schedule

Complete and attach a Losses schedule 2019 if your company does not need to submit a Consolidated groups losses schedule 2019 and satisfies one or more of the following tests:

  • it has total tax losses and net capital losses carried forward to later income years greater than $100,000
  • it can only deduct a tax loss or apply a net capital loss in the income year or a later income year if the business continuity test has been satisfied.

    The 'same business test' and the 'similar business test' are collectively known as 'business continuity test'. For more information, see How to claim a tax loss.
  • having passed the continuity of ownership test, it deducted tax losses and applied net capital losses totalling more than $100,000
  • it has a changeover time that occurred after 1pm by legal time in the ACT on 11 November 1999 and determined that it has an unrealised net loss as defined in the provisions of Subdivision 165-CC of the ITAA 1997
  • it is a life insurance company and the total of complying superannuation class tax losses and net capital losses carried forward to later income years is greater than $100,000
  • it has an interest in a CFC that has current year CFC losses greater than $100,000
  • it has an interest in a CFC that has deducted or carried forward a loss to later income years greater than $100,000.

If the company is required to complete a Losses schedule 2019, transfer the totals of the amounts at Part A of the losses schedule to U and V item 13 on the Company tax return 2019. For more information, see Losses schedule instructions 2019.

If a company needs to complete a losses schedule under the above criteria, it may also need to complete a CGT schedule. For more information, see the Guide to capital gains tax 2019.

If a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group must lodge a company tax return for any non-membership periods during the year of income, that company may also need to lodge a Losses schedule 2019 for the non-membership periods. For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year, see the Consolidation reference manual, sheet C9-5-110.

Consolidated groups losses schedule

A head company of a consolidated group or MEC group must complete a Consolidated groups losses schedule 2019 (NAT 7888) and lodge it with the Company tax return 2019 if any of the following apply:

  • the total of the group’s tax losses and net capital losses carried forward to later income years is more than $100,000
  • the total tax losses and net capital losses transferred from joining entities is more than $100,000
  • the total of its deducted tax losses and applied net capital losses is greater than $100,000
  • it has an interest in a CFC that has current year losses greater than $100,000
  • it has an interest in a CFC that has deducted or carried forward a loss to later income years greater than $100,000
  • it is a life insurance company or is treated as a life insurance company under subdivision 713-L of the ITAA 1997, and the total of complying superannuation class tax losses and net capital losses carried forward to later income years is greater than $100,000.

Transfer the totals of tax losses carried forward and net capital losses carried forward in Part A of the Consolidated groups losses schedule 2019 to U and V item 13 Losses information on the Company tax return 2019.

For more information, see Consolidated groups losses schedule instructions 2019.

If a head company needs to complete a Consolidated groups losses schedule 2019, it might also need to complete a Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule 2019 (NAT 3423). For more information, see the Guide to capital gains tax 2019.

Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule

Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding applies to several withholding events including:

  • payments for a supply where no ABN is quoted
  • payments arising from investments where no TFN or ABN is quoted
  • certain payments to foreign residents described in the Taxation Administration Regulations 2017External Link (Regulations 31–33 have foreign resident withholding provisions); and former Taxation Administration Regulations 1976 (Regulations 44A–44D have foreign resident withholding provisions).

If the company has had an amount withheld from payments covered by PAYG withholding, the payer should have given the company a payment summary. A payer may issue a receipt, remittance advice or similar document in place of the approved form. If the company did not receive or has lost its copy of the payment summary, contact the payer responsible and request a signed photocopy of the payer’s copy.

Complete a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2019 if your company has an amount at:

  • Income, A Gross payments where ABN not quoted item 6
  • Income, B Gross payments subject to foreign resident withholding item 6 (except where the amount is from partnership or trust distributions)
  • H2 Credit for tax withheld – foreign resident withholding in the Calculation statement
  • H3 Credit for tax withheld where ABN is not quoted in the Calculation statement

Income subject to foreign resident withholding that has been included in a distribution received by the company from a partnership or trust is declared at Income, D Gross distribution from partnerships item 6 or Income, E Gross distribution from trusts item 6. However, a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2019 is not required for these distributions because they do not have an associated payment summary.

Completing the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2019

Print the company’s TFN and name in the appropriate boxes at the top of the schedule.

From each PAYG payment summary – withholding where ABN not quoted (NAT 3283) and PAYG withholding from foreign residents – payment summary, record on the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2019:

  • the appropriate letter for your type of withholding; F for foreign resident withholding, or N for withholding where an ABN is not quoted
  • payer’s ABN (or withholding payer number)
  • total tax withheld
  • gross payment
  • payer’s name.

When you have copied the details from all the payment summaries to the schedule, attach the schedule to the company tax return.

Do not attach copies of any payment summary to the company tax return; keep them with the company’s copy of the tax return. Keep a copy of the Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2019 with the company’s tax records.

If a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group must lodge a company tax return for any non-membership periods during the year of income, that company may also need to lodge a Non-individual PAYG payment summary schedule 2019 for the non-membership periods. For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year, see the Consolidation reference manual, sheet C9-5-110.

Reportable tax position (RTP) schedule

Companies must lodge a Reportable tax position (RTP) schedule 2019 if they are a public company (defined in section 103A of ITAA 1936) or a foreign owned company, and either:

  • their total business income at S item 6, exceeds $250 million in the current income year, or
  • their total business income at S item 6 exceeds $25 million in the current year and they are a part of an economic group whose total business income is $250 million or more in the current income year or the immediate prior year.

For RTP purposes, 'economic group' includes all entities (companies, trusts and partnerships etc.) that lodge an Australian tax return under a direct or indirect Australian or foreign ultimate holding company or other majority controlling interest. This includes all entities under a single ultimate holding company or under the ownership of a single individual, trust or partnership.

The total business income of an economic group is the sum of all income labels in the Australian tax returns of every group member. The income labels are added up at S item 6 on the Company tax return but, need to be added up manually for trusts and partnership tax returns.

Companies also must lodge an RTP schedule if we have notified them in writing that they are required to lodge.

Companies are not required to lodge an RTP schedule where they are in an Annual Compliance Arrangement (ACA) with us for 2018–19 and, as part of the ACA, have agreed to provide full and true disclosure and ongoing dialogue of all material tax matters, including any positions that fall within any RTP category in accordance with Reportable tax position schedule instructions 2019.

Where a company is required to lodge, you must select Yes at item 25 Are you required to lodge a reportable tax position schedule? on the Company tax return 2019 and complete a Reportable tax position schedule 2019 and attach it to the Company tax return 2019.

A reportable tax position is one or more of the following:

  • Category A: a position that is about as likely to be correct as incorrect or less likely to be correct than incorrect
  • Category B: a position in which uncertainty about taxes payable or recoverable is recognised or disclosed in the taxpayer’s financial statements or a related party’s financial statements
  • Category C: a reportable arrangement.

See also:

Research and development tax incentive schedule

All companies claiming a tax offset under the research and development (R&D) tax incentive must complete the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2019 (NAT 73794) and attach it to the company tax return.

If you have a feedstock adjustment for 2018–19 but are not claiming a tax offset under the R&D tax incentive, you are not required to complete the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2019. However, you will need to record your feedstock adjustment at B of item 7 and W of item 21 on the Company tax return 2019.

For information about how to complete the schedule, see the Research and development tax incentive schedule instructions 2019. You can also use the Research and development tax incentive calculator. A printed schedule provided by the calculator will be accepted for lodgment with an original tax return or an amendment request.

If a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group must lodge a company tax return for any non-membership periods during the year of income, that company may also need to lodge a Research and development tax incentive schedule 2019 for the non-membership periods. For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year see the Consolidation reference manual, sheet C9-5-110.

How to lodge the R&D schedule

Lodge the Research and development tax incentive schedule 2019 with the appropriate company tax return.

If you have requested an amendment

If your company has requested an amendment that includes changes to its R&D claim, you must complete an R&D schedule showing the amended figures. Send this schedule, with a letter requesting the amendment, to:

Australian Taxation Office
PO Box 3004

International dealings schedule

Where the relevant information is reported in the company tax return you must complete and attach an International dealings schedule 2019 (NAT 73345) to the company tax return.

If a subsidiary member of a consolidated or MEC group must lodge a company tax return for any non-membership periods during the year of income, that company may also need to lodge an International dealings schedule 2019 for the non-membership periods. For information about reporting multiple non-membership periods during the year, see the Consolidation reference manual, sheet C9-5-110.

Thin capitalisation rules

If your company is subject to the thin capitalisation rules, see item 27 and Appendix 3, you must complete and attach an International dealings schedule 2019 to the company tax return.

See also:

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