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Other payment details

Details you'll need in order to pay us.

Last updated 27 January 2025

Info Alert
Changes to card payment fee
From 1 January 2025, we will stop passing on a surcharge for using debit cards. Find out more at card terms and conditions.

Payment reference number

Your unique payment reference number (PRN) ensures your payment is credited to the correct account. A PRN may also be called an EFT code (electronic funds transfer code).

You'll have different PRNs for different types of tax. For example, one PRN for income tax and one PRN for activity statements. Make sure you use the right PRN for the type of tax you're paying.

Using an incorrect PRN could result in delays to payments being credited to your account and unnecessary debt collection activity.

Once you have the correct PRN, you'll be able to make your payment.

How to find your PRN

You can go online to get your PRN.

Individuals and sole traders – log in to your myGov account linked to the ATOExternal Link and select Tax > Accounts > Summary.

Individuals – payment reference number

Businesses – log in to Online services for businessExternal Link and select:

  • Accounts and payments from the menu
  • Payments
  • BPAY or Other payment methods.
Businesses – payment reference number

Registered agents – log in to Online services for agentsExternal Link and select:

  • Client summary page
  • Accounts summary
  • Payment options.
Registered agents – payment reference number

Alternatively, you can:

  • obtain your PRN from ATO notices or payment slips
  • ask your tax agent
  • phone 1800 815 886 between 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Payment processing

If you pay electronically or at Australia Post, the payment can take up to 4 business days from the day you make it to be received by us and appear on your ATO account.

If you mail a cheque or money order to us, you'll need to take into account postal service delivery timesExternal Link. Once we receive your payment, it may take a further 4 business days to be allocated to your ATO account.

Check what to do next if you've made a payment on your account and it's missing or you can't see it.

Payment slips

You'll need a payment slip to pay at the post office.

Make sure you have the correct payment slip for the account you want to pay.

If you are:

  • an individual taxpayer, payment slips are generally available on your notice of assessment or statement of account.
  • a business taxpayer, you can print a payment slip using Online services for businessExternal Link
    • select Accounts and payments from the menu, then Accounts summary
    • choose the account required, then click Payment options
    • select BPAY or Other payment methods
    • select Print-friendly version to print the payment slip.
  • a registered agent, you can use Online services for agentsExternal Link to print payment options for your clients
    • go to the Client summary page
    • select Accounts summary
    • select Payment options.

If you need to order a payment slip and you are:

  • a business taxpayer – phone 13 28 66 to order an activity statement with payment slip. You'll need your Australian business number (ABN) and be an authorised representative of the business to use this service.
  • an individual taxpayer – phone 13 28 61 to order an ATO notice with an income tax payment slip. You'll need your tax file number (TFN) to use this service.

Before we can discuss your details or update your records, we must establish your identity.

Card terms and conditions

Card payment fee

No card payment fees apply when you use your debit card for payments.

Fees apply to payments made with other cards. The fee:

  • is a percentage of the amount being paid, based on the type of card
  • is equal to the fee we incur from our bank
  • will be reviewed from time to time and may change
  • is not part of your ATO debt
  • is not subject to goods and services tax (GST)
  • may be a deductible expense based on your circumstances.
Card payment fees

Card type


American Express


MasterCard – International


MasterCard – Domestic Credit


Visa – International


Visa – Domestic Credit


Before you finalise your payment, you'll be advised of the total amount including the fee. You may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for the card payment fee.

Card payment receipts

When you pay using any of our card payment services, we'll give you a receipt number.

The payment details will be displayed on your card statement as:

  • 'ATO payment' if you used our online services
  • 'ATO payment' and 'Card payment fee – ATO' if you used Government EasyPay.

Card payment refunds and reversals

If you need a refund of an incorrect payment or overpayment made from a debit or credit card, it can only be returned to the same card it was made from and the card must still be valid. This means that you need to retain the original card you used to make the payment to receive a refund.
