
Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 1) 1998

Explanatory Memorandum

(Circulated by authority of the Treasurer, the Hon Peter Costello, MP)

CHANGE OF TITLE - TAX LAW IMPROVEMENT BILL (No. 1) 1998 - SENATE - Explanatory Memorandum.

The Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 2) 1997 has been retitled the Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 1) 1998. All references in this explanatory memorandum that refer to Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 2) 1997 should now read Tax Law Improvement Bill (No. 1) 1998.

Chapter 2.21 - Options


This segment covers the rules in Division 134 for the treatment of options.

Part A summarises these rules.

Part B identifies provisions of the 1936 Act not rewritten.

A. Summary of the new law

Division 134: Options

What the Division does

Division 134 has rules for modifying the cost base or reduced cost base of an asset where an option that relates to it is exercised. These apply if an option is granted to acquire or dispose of a CGT asset.

The Division applies if consideration is paid or given for the option and the conditions outlined in Subdivision 130-B are satisfied. Broadly, these deal with the situation where

an equity holder is issued rights to acquire a share, unit or option at no cost.

Option to acquire an asset

Effect on grantee

The second element of the cost base or reduced cost base for the CGT asset includes the amount paid for the grant of the option. [section 134-1, item 2]

Effect on grantor

The cost base or reduced cost base for the asset is the amount paid for the exercise of the option, reduced by the amount received for the grant of the option. [section 134-1, item 2]

Option to dispose of an asset

Effect on grantee

The first element of the cost base of the CGT asset is the amount paid for the exercise of the option plus the amount paid for the grant of the option. [section 134-1, item 1]

Effect on grantor

This Subdivision does not apply to the grantor of an option to dispose of a CGT asset. This situation is covered by section 116-70 which sets out how capital proceeds are treated.

B. Provisions of the old law not rewritten

Redundant provisions

The following provisions of the existing law have not been rewritten:

Provision Subject Reason for omission
160ZZC(4) Option relating to property not owned. The situation outlined in this subsection is covered by CGT event D2.
160ZZC(9) Option granted before 20 September 1985 binding the grantor to dispose of a CGT asset. Dealt with as a transitional provision.

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