Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Act 2021 (131 of 2021)

Schedule 1   Extended supervision orders

Part 2   Main consequential amendments

Surveillance Devices Act 2004

294   Subsection 50A(6)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:


(6) In this section:

Part 5.3 information means information that, if made public, could reasonably be expected to enable a reasonable person to conclude that:

(a) a surveillance device warrant issued in response to an application under subsection 14(3BA) or (3C) authorising:

(i) the use of a surveillance device on particular premises; or

(ii) the use of a surveillance device in or on a particular object or class of object; or

(iii) the use of a surveillance device in respect of the conversations, activities or location of a particular person;

is likely to be, or is not likely to be, in force; or

(b) a computer access warrant issued in response to an application under subsection 27A(5A) or (6) authorising:

(i) access to data held in a particular computer; or

(ii) access to data held in a computer on particular premises; or

(iii) access to data held in a computer associated with, used by or likely to be used by, a particular person;

is likely to be, or is not likely to be, in force.