Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (40 of 2024)

Part 6   Proceedings in Intelligence and Security jurisdictional area

Division 3   Proceedings

152   Opportunity for further evidence and submissions

When this section applies


(1) This section applies in relation to a proceeding for review of an intelligence and security decision.

Further evidence and submissions


(2) The Tribunal must give a party to the proceeding an opportunity to adduce further evidence and make further submissions in relation to the further evidence if:

(a) the party presents the party's case to the Tribunal; and

(b) after that case is presented, another party adduces evidence; and

(c) the Tribunal considers that, because of evidence adduced by the other party, the first-mentioned party should be further heard.


(3) To avoid doubt, the Tribunal must not give the applicant particulars of evidence or a submission in contravention of another provision of this Act that prohibits or restricts the disclosure of those particulars.