Corporations Amendment Regulation 2013 (No. 3) (101 of 2013)

Schedule 1   Amendments commencing on 1 July 2013

Corporations Regulations 2001

7   After regulation 7.8.13


7.8.13A Compliance certificate with profit and loss statement and balance sheet

For paragraph 989B(3)(a) and subparagraph 989B(3)(b)(i)of the Act, a compliance certificate lodged by a licensee with a true and fair profit and loss statement and balance sheet in respect of a financial year must:

(a)be lodged with ASIC in the prescribed form; and

(b)be signed by:

(i)if the licensee is an individual - the licensee; or

(ii)if the licensee is a corporation - an officer of the corporation; or

(iii)if the licensee is a partnership or the trustees of a trust - a partner or trustee who performs duties in relation to financial services.