Goods and Services Tax Ruling

GSTR 2000/17A2 - Addendum

Goods and services tax: tax invoices

FOI status:

may be released


Goods and Services Tax Ruling GSTR 2000/17 sets out the minimum information requirements for a tax invoice under subsection 29-70(1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. GSTR 2000/17 also refers to circumstances in which you do not need to hold a tax invoice to claim an input tax credit.

Amendments of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999 by the Tax Laws Amendment (Long-term Non-reviewable Contracts) Act 2005 introduced an additional circumstance in which there is an entitlement to an input tax credit without holding a tax invoice. This Addendum amends GSTR 2000/17 to reflect this change.

This Addendum applies from 22 February 2005. You can rely on the amendments to GSTR 2000/17, as amended by this Addendum, for the purposes of section 37 of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 from the date of issue of the Addendum.

GSTR 2000/17 is amended as follows:

1. Paragraph 10

Omit the paragraph and substitute the following paragraph:

10. Generally, you must hold a tax invoice to claim an input tax credit for a creditable acquisition in your Business Activity Statement (BAS). [2] However, you do not need a tax invoice if:

the value of the taxable supply is $50 or less;[2A]
you are claiming an input tax credit for a creditable importation ;[3]
the GST on the taxable supply is payable by the recipient because of section 15C of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition) Act 1999[3A] (GST Transition Act); or
a determination by the Commissioner under subsection 29-10(3) applies to your circumstances.

2. References

Under the heading Legislative references add:

ANTS(GSTT)A 1999 Pt 3 Div 2
ANTS(GSTT)A 1999 15C
ANTS(GSTT)A 1999 15H(3)
TAA 37
Tax Laws Amendment (Long-term Non-reviewable Contracts) Act 2005

Commissioner of Taxation
1 March 2006


Your GST return forms part of your BAS.

Subsection 29-80(1).

The attribution rule in section 29-15 for input tax credits for creditable importations does not require a tax invoice.

Division 2 of Part 3 of the GST Transition Act applies to agreements spanning both 1 July 2000 and 1 July 2005. In the circumstances described in section 15C of that Act, the GST on a taxable supply made under such an agreement is payable by the recipient (to the extent the supply is made on or after a certain date occurring on or after 1 July 2005). Subsection 15H(3) of that Act provides that subsection 29-10(3) of the GST Act does not apply, so that the recipient may claim an input tax credit without holding a tax invoice.


ATO references:
NO 2005/18404

ISSN: 1443-5160

Related Rulings/Determinations:

GSTR 2000/17A