Digital services
Tax and BAS agents can do many of their tax, super and registration transactions using our secure online services.
Online services for agents (OSFA) is a secure system for registered tax and BAS agents and their authorised staff.
Learn about the practitioner lodgment service (PLS), an electronic channel for client forms, services and reports.
Tax professionals can access client's Australian business number details online using the Australian Business Register.
The Departing Australia superannuation payment (DASP) online intermediary application system is a secure website.
Use the tax agent online services guide to work out how best to complete your query or transaction online.
Use the BAS agent online services guide to work out how best to complete your query or transaction online.
What you can do to stay safe online.
Planned ATO systems maintenance windows and how to be alerted.
Information for businesses and tax practitioners about the availability of ATO online systems and known issues.