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Super fund administration accounts

View your client's super fund administration accounts.

Last updated 6 June 2024

The following accounts are available for your super fund clients:

  • Superannuation
  • Unique superannuation identifier (USI)
  • Unclaimed superannuation money.

To view a client's super fund details:

  • select a client
  • select Accounts and payments then Super administration accounts to display  
    • Role name
    • Balance
    • Download
    • Account type – use the drop-down menu
    • Payment plan – link to an existing payment plan
  • select role name to view a list of transactions, then  
    • select the Payment plan link if there's an existing payment plan
    • Filter to sort by Processed date or Effective date and the date range
  • select Print friendly version to print or save in HTML or CSV.

The date range filters are limited to returning a maximum of 10,000 transactions.
