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Authorised contacts

View authorised contacts for all of your clients' accounts and roles.

Last updated 6 June 2024

What you can do

You can view authorised contacts for all of your clients' accounts and roles, as well as update or add contact details relevant to your authorisation.

Authorised contacts with a relationship of ABR can only be updated through the Australian Business RegisterExternal Link.

Types of contacts

Primary contacts, previously known as entity representatives, are authorised to:

  • access all roles on their client's account
  • add, remove, and update the list of authorised contacts.

Authorised contacts have authority at:

  • account level – for information specific to the account and any roles under that account, for example the Integrated client account
  • role level – for information specific to roles, for example GST, PAYG withholding, and wine equalisation tax.

There is no limit to the number of authorised contacts that can be added to an account.

Primary contact details will only display if you're authorised for all accounts. If you're only authorised for a specific account, you won't see the primary contact details.

View, add and update contact details

To view, add and update primary and account authorised contact details:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Authorised contacts
  • for primary contacts (tax agents only), at Primary  
    • to add – select Add then complete all the mandatory fields
    • to update – select the primary contact then Update
  • for specific accounts or roles at View by  
    • select Accounts or Name. All contacts will display the account contacts for your client
  • at All contacts – Filter by account number or account type  
    • to add – select Add then complete all mandatory fields
  • to update – select the Update button next to the account then complete all mandatory fields.

Where incorrect information is on our system an Error or UNKNOWN name is displayed against an account. Select Unknown to update or add any mandatory fields.
