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Client details

View and update your client's details.

Last updated 6 June 2024

Client details gives you a quick view your client's name, ACN or ARBN, entity type, residency status, TFN, ABN and, for individuals, their myGov and working holiday maker status. You can also update client details, including their electronic service address alias for clients with a self-managed super fund.

To view and update a client's details:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Client details
  • client details will display
  • to update contact details, select the drop-down menu next to the details  
    • for individuals you can update their address, phone number and email address
    • for non-individuals you can update their names if they aren't a government entity or ASIC-registered company
  • select the Declaration if required
  • select Save.

If your client has a self-managed super fund the Electronic service address alias will be viewable. This isn't an email address. It's an alias used by the SMSF that represents the URL or IP address of the SMSF's messaging provider.

To update an alias:

  • select the Alias drop-down menu and select the relevant alias
  • select Edit or Remove to update. If the address is invalid, you'll receive an error.
