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Communication preferences

Set your client’s communication preferences.

Last updated 6 June 2024

Before setting or updating communication preferences, ensure you have express written authorisation and a declaration from your client and that you've set default communication preferences.

You can set your client’s communication preferences:

  • when you add a client
  • individually at their Profile
  • using the bulk preferences function for up to 50 clients at a time.

To set a client's communication preferences:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Communication preferences
  • select either        
    • My practice default communication preferences
    • a combination of Practice and Client to determine who we should send your client's communications to.

Setting a client’s communication preferences to Practice will designate Online services for agents as their preferred address for service for certain communications.

Activity statement lodgment notifications

Use the Activity statement lodgment notifications setting to nominate if you or your client will be lodging activity statements.

If you select:

  • Client – we'll send an email notification informing them their activity statement is available for lodgment
  • Practice – we'll update activity statement lodgments for the client to digital. You can then use Advanced search filters to download an Activity statement lodgments client list.

No matter who is selected, you can view and lodge activity statements in Online services for agents.

Activity statements are usually available electronically one week after they are generated. You can check the Activity statement generate dates to confirm when monthly and quarterly activity statements are available online.

To add or update who'll be lodging activity statements for an existing client:

  • select a client
  • select Profile then Communication preferences
  • at Activity statement lodgment notifications select Practice or Client to add or update preferences
  • select Filter to filter by account number when there is more than one account
  • if you have nominated the Client confirm the email addresses are correct. You can use the check email link at the top of the screen
  • select All or the individual account. If this is read-only, another agent is linked to this client at the activity statement level
  • select the drop-down menu next to the activity statement to view the Lodgment preference. It will be digital, paper or myGov. If you lodge online for your client, it will default to digital
  • select Apply.

You can then use Advanced search filters to download an activity statement lodgment client list in CSV or HTML format by selecting:

  • Communication type – select Activity statement lodgments
  • Destination – select Practice (other options are Client and No preferences set)
  • Channel – select Digital (other options are All, Paper, myGov).

You can also access a list of all your clients’ outstanding activity statements by requesting the On-demand Outstanding activity statement report (current plus previous 3 years). See Reports for instructions on how to do this.


