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Find information specific to your individual client's super funds.

Last updated 6 June 2024

Super menu

This function shows information specific to your individual client's super funds. This menu is currently only available for tax agents.

Fund details

You can view your individual client's super funds and the balances reported by funds, as at the reported date and the fund transactions amounts paid by their employer. This includes employer contributions made to defined benefit funds and non-employer contributions from 2018–19 onwards.

Account balances are updated when they are reported to us. If a SMSF is non-complying then they won't be viewable.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Fund details
  • select the drop-down menu next to the fund to display  
    • date the fund information was reported to us
    • date the account was opened
    • member account number
    • member client number
    • if there has been a recent contribution
    • insurance details
    • address of the fund
  • select Show closed funds to view fund accounts closed on or after 1 July 2018 and the date closed
  • at Account name select the super fund name link to display  
    • fund transactions in chronological order from the most recent, use the filter to change the order
    • receipt date of the transaction
    • period (pay period for employer contribution start and end date)
    • employer
    • contribution type
    • amount
  • sort or Download the fund transactions in either CSV or HTML format and select a Print friendly version to print or save a copy.


This menu includes information relevant to your clients' superannuation.

Total superannuation balance

View your client's active super accounts, including ATO-held super

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Total superannuation balance
  • select Current for  
    • Total superannuation balance details for the current financial year
    • Account type – Accumulation phase, Retirement phase, Rollover, Structured settlement, Outstanding limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) amounts
    • Total superannuation balance
  • select History for  
    • Total superannuation balance details for the previous financial years
    • Account type
    • Accumulation phase
    • Retirement phase
    • Rollover
    • Structured settlement
    • Total superannuation balance as at date and the amount
    • Outstanding LRBA amounts
  • select the drop-down menu at Type within Current or history to view  
    • Fund name – Accumulation phase, Retirement phase and Structured settlement
    • Receiving fund – rollover
    • USI
    • Account number
    • Amount
  • select Print friendly version to print or save a copy.

'Balance not available' will display when we don't have total superannuation balance information recorded from the client's super funds.

Bring forward arrangement

You can view your client's super account non-concessional bring forward arrangements.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Bring forward arrangement. One of the following will display  
    • Not in a bring forward arrangement – displayed if the individual has never been in a bring forward arrangement period or the latest period ended more than 2 years ago
    • Bring forward arrangement has ended – displayed if the latest bring forward arrangement period has ended within the last 2 years. Select the drop-down menu to view additional information
    • You are in a bring forward arrangement – displayed if your client is currently in a bring forward arrangement period and has a remaining balance greater than zero
  • select Print friendly version to print or save a copy.

Concessional contributions

You can view your client's unused concessional contributions and the information used to derive the outcome of unused concessional contributions cap.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Concessional contributions to view  
    • Concessional contributions cap
    • Contributions reported
    • Unused concessional contributions cap
  • at Plan your contributions for 2019–20 financial year – see details about how your total super balance affects your unused concessional contribution cap.

Carry forward concessional contributions

You can view your client's Carry forward concessional contributions.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Carry forward concessional contributions to view  
    • Total carry forward concessional contributions cap
    • Concessional Contributions counting towards your client's cap
    • Unused concessional contributions cap available to carry forward

Key messages will be displayed and the previous financial years data from 2018–2019 onwards will be displayed, for example:

  • concessional contributions cap
  • contributions counting towards your client's cap
  • unused concessional contributions cap.

Non-concessional contributions

You can view display of historical (2018–2019 financial years onward) and current non-concessional contributions for your client's superannuation contributions.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Non-concessional contributions to view  
    • total superannuation balance as at selected financial year
    • relevant information regarding contributions if client is  
      • not in a bring forward arrangement and doesn't have excess non-concessional contributions (ENCC) non-concessional contributions cap
      • in a bring forward arrangement (with or without ENCC)
    • Non-concessional contributions.

Key messages will be displayed and tailored to support what the next steps should be.

Transfer balance cap

You can view information and transactions relating to superannuation that has been transferred from concessional tax accumulation phase to tax-free retirement phase accounts.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Transfer balance cap to view  
    • Description
    • Amount
    • Your transfer balance cap amount
    • Your transfer balance
    • Excess transfer balance amount – this will display if your client has had an excess transfer balance determination issued and commutation authorities have not been issued to their super fund.

Employer contributions

View information and transactions relating to your client's superannuation from 1 July 2018.

To view:

  • select a client
  • select Super then Information
  • select Employer contributions to display  
    • Year to date contributions
    • Super fund name
  • for each Super fund the following will be displayed  
    • Employer
    • ABN
    • Last receipt date
    • Reported amount
    • Transactions  
      • Receipt date
      • Period
      • Employer
      • Contribution type
      • Amount.

You can Download the fund transactions in either CSV or HTML format and select a Print friendly version to print or save a copy.

Select the drop-down menu for the employer to display:

  • Contribution type
  • Last receipt date
  • Year to date.

Select a Print friendly version to print or save a copy.

You can return to the top of this Online services for agents user guide for help on other areas.
