You can access the Payment options from:
- For action on the Client summary – if there is a payment obligation
- Accounts summary
- Accounts transactions.
To see what payment options are available for your client:
- select a client
- at For action – payments section or Accounts summary screen you can see any payments owing or overdue
- select Payment options the screen will display the
- account name
- Payment reference number
- overdue and overall balance.
The following payment options will display:
- Australia Post
- payment reference number (PRN)
- barcode
If you make a payment at Australia Post, you will need to provide both the PRN and the barcode.
You can refer your clients to information on how to pay on alternative payment options.
Select Print friendly version to print or save a copy of the payment options.
You can return to the top of this Online services for agents user guide for help on other areas.