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Prepare and lodge

Information for registered agents about lodgment program due dates and preparing and lodging tax returns and statements.

Key lodgment and payment dates for clients of registered agents for 2024–25, listed by month.

Key changes this tax time, what you can do to prepare, things to consider before lodging, and helpful resources.

Explains our lodgment program framework, and what it means for agents.

Find lodgment and payment due dates and details about the tax agent lodgment program.

Find lodgment and payment due dates and details about the BAS agent lodgment program.

Find information to help you manage your lodgment program.

Lodgment deferrals can help if there are exceptional or unforeseen circumstances affecting lodgment by the due date.

See how the pre-filling service helps to ensure the accuracy of your clients' tax returns.

Detailed information for tax professionals about lodging and paying.

You can do many of your tax, super and registration transactions with us online. Our channels are safe and secure.

If you or your clients are affected by a recent disaster event, we have a range of options to help you.

Support is available to help you and your practice manage your clients' tax obligations during difficult times.
