How we manage your objection

How we engage with you when processing your objection, and our responsibilities.

Last updated 13 October 2024

When we will contact you

You, or your authorised person such as your tax professional, will receive an automated text message when we receive your objection.

We may contact you or your representative to:

  • discuss your objection
  • ask for more information and work out an agreed due date for it
  • discuss how long your objection may take to resolve.

What we need you to do

You can help minimise delays by responding quickly when we contact you.

If you or your representative can’t provide the supporting information we ask for, contact your objection officer before the due date to discuss how this will impact your objection.

When we make our decision

Once we've made our decision, we’ll send you:

  • a notice of decision that includes the reasons for our decision
  • a notice of amended assessment (if relevant)
  • information on how to pay any outstanding amount of tax if the decision was not in your favour
  • a refund for any money we owe to you, including any interest you are entitled to
  • information on how to seek an external review through the Administrative Review Tribunal or Federal Court if you are dissatisfied with our decision. Individuals, small businesses and not-for-profits with a tax or super dispute can also ask to use our in-house facilitation.

Our commitment to you

We will acknowledge your objection soon after it’s received, and provide you with a reference and contact number.

We’ll contact you when a case officer has been appointed for your objection. From time to time, there may be delays in appointing a case officer because of higher-than-usual demands, but we will let you know as soon as your case officer is appointed.

To help with the process:


