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Environmental organisations, harm prevention charities and cultural organisations

Transitional provisions apply to your organisation if it meets one of the following scenarios.

Last updated 11 December 2023

Transitional scenarios

Organisations with DGR endorsement covers organisations endorsed prior to 1 January 2024 as a DGR for the operation of a public fund on the:

  • Register of Environmental Organisations
  • Register of Harm Prevention Charities
  • Register of Cultural Organisations.

Organisations seeking DGR endorsement covers organisations and their public funds that have all the following:

  • are on the Register of Environmental Organisations, Register of Harm Prevention Charities or Register of Cultural Organisations
  • have applied for DGR endorsement but have not received written notice that the Commissioner endorses or refuses to endorse the applicant.

Entities seeking entry on the register covers organisations and their public funds that have all the following:

  • submitted a request to be entered on the Register of Environmental Organisations, Register of Harm Prevention Charities or Register of Cultural Organisations
  • have not been notified by the relevant department of the outcome of the request.
