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How to lodge and pay your fund tax return

How to lodge the fund income tax return and the payment options available.

Published 29 May 2024

Lodging the fund income tax return and schedules

The only postal address for lodgment of the Fund income tax return 2024 is:

Australian Taxation Office
GPO Box 9845

The address must appear as shown above.

Don't post payments to this address, for payment information see How to pay your tax debt for the fund income tax return.

If you want to write to us about superannuation, send your correspondence to:

Australian Taxation Office
PO Box 3100

For a list of schedules that you can send with your Fund income tax return 2024, see Schedules for funds.

You can lodge any elections required by Taxation Ruling IT 2624 Income tax: company self-assessment; elections and other notifications; additional (penalty) tax; false or misleading statement with your fund tax return.

You may have to complete other schedules or documents that you keep with your fund's tax records and don't send with the tax return. These schedules or documents are described further at Record keeping requirements.

If you lodge a schedule separately from your tax return, complete the Taxpayer's declaration section.

Lodgment due date

The date for lodgment of the fund income tax return (including any relevant statements and schedules) is notified in a legislative instrument on the Federal Register of LegislationExternal Link.

For funds with an income year ending on 30 June 2024, the due date for lodgment is 31 October 2024. The Commissioner may allow later lodgment dates, see Due dates.

Funds with an approved substituted accounting period (SAP), see due dates for SAPs.

If you don't lodge the fund’s income tax return along with all the required information and schedules by the due date, a penalty for failing to lodge on time may apply.

You must also keep records so that, if required, we can verify the information you reported in the tax return.

Don't attach any payments to the tax return, see How to pay.

How to pay your tax debt for the fund income tax return

The tax payable by a fund for an income year becomes due and payable on the statutory due date, which is the first day of the sixth month of the following income year. For example, for 30 June balancing funds the statutory due date is 1 December.

We offer a range of convenient payment options. For the full list of payment options see How to pay.

Your payments must reach us on or before the due date. When you use a valid payment reference number (PRN), your payment may take up to 4 business days to appear on your ATO account.

General interest charge (GIC) will be applied to any outstanding amounts owing after the due date.

If you can't pay your tax debt when due

You are expected to organise your affairs to ensure that you pay your debts on time.

If you can't pay your debt on time, you may be eligible for a payment plan. You need to consider how much you can pay so you can meet each ongoing payment amount and future obligations.

We recommend you use the payment plan estimator to work out a plan you can afford.

Even if you enter into a payment plan, GIC will accrue on the unpaid amount on a compounding basis. If your business owes $200,000 or less you can set up a payment plan:

  • through Online Services for businessExternal Link – select Accounts and payments then payment plans
  • through your registered tax agent or BAS agent who can use online services to enter a payment plan on your behalf
  • by phoning our automated service for business enquires.
  • To set up a payment plan, you need your Australian Business Number (ABN) or Tax File Number (TFN) and the full details of your outstanding amount. If your business owes over $200,000, phone our lodge and pay enquiry line during operating hours to discuss your options.

Continue to: Schedules for funds

Return to: What’s new for funds?

