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    ATO online services and myGov

    How to create a myGov account, link to the ATO and use our online services.

    How to create a myGov account and link to the ATO as an individual or sole trader.

    How to access your myGov account if you can't sign in and relink the account to the ATO.

    What you can do and how to use ATO online to manage your tax and super in one place as an individual or sole trader.

    Help if you're having trouble linking to ATO online services, using myTax or the ATO app, or applying for a TFN online.

    Find out how we use myGov to communicate with you, including through your myGov Inbox.

    Find out your rights and responsibilities when using your myGov account to access ATO online services or the ATO app.


    Create a myGov account and link it to the ATO

    How to create a myGov account and link to the ATO as an individual or sole trader.

    Last updated 12 November 2024

    Info Alert
    The myGovID app is now known as myID
    myGovID has a new name and look – but how you use it is the same. Find out more at Link.

    Create a myGov account

    A myGov account lets you link to and access a range of government services online in one place.

    To create an account, you can use either your:

    • myID set up to a Standard or Strong identity strength.
    • email address – make sure that only you have access to it – don't use a shared email.

    When creating your account, if you don't provide an Australian mobile number, you'll need to update your myGov sign in option. You can't use Answer a secret question as your sign in option when linking to or accessing our online services.

    Create a myGov account

    If you already have a myGov account but you can't sign in, go to When you can't sign in to your myGov account.

    Link your myGov account to the ATO

    Before you start trying to link:

    Link your myGov account to us in 4 steps:

    1. Sign in to your myGov account.
    2. Follow the prompts to link to the Australian Taxation Office.
    3. Enter or confirm your personal details.
    4. Answer 2 questions about your tax record.

    If you don't have the required information to link, you'll need to phone us to get a unique linking code. We will need to ask you questions to establish your identity. This is to protect the privacy of your account.

    For detailed steps on how to link your myGov account to the ATO, watch our video:

    Media: Link your myGov account to the ATO Link (Duration: 02:55)

    myGov sign in options

    To link your myGov account to us you must sign in using either:

    Use your myID, myGov Code Generator app or passkeysExternal Link if you:

    • don’t have an Australian mobile number
    • are overseas
    • have poor mobile reception.

    Using myID to sign in

    When you use your myID to sign in to myGov and link or access ATO online services, your highest identity strength becomes your online access strength. You'll use this for all future access to ATO online services.

    For example, if you have a myID with a Strong identity strength and use it to sign in, your minimum online access strength will be Strong. Whenever you sign in to myGov to access ATO online services, you’ll need to use your Strong myID.

    Your online access strength only applies to ATO online services. It doesn't apply to your myGov account or other linked myGov services.

    Check or change your myGov sign in option

    You can check and update how you sign in to myGov in your myGov account settings under Sign in options.

    When changing your sign in option, you can also add another sign in option as a backup.

    If you change your sign in option to:

    • Answer a secret question as the only option, your myGov account will be unlinked from the ATO as this is a less secure sign in option
    • a method which doesn't meet your minimum online access strength, you will be unable to access ATO online services.

    Troubleshooting linking issues

    If you have trouble linking to us, check:


    Find out what information you need to link your myGov account to ATO online services.


    Information you need to link myGov to the ATO

    Find out what information you need to link your myGov account to ATO online services.

    Last updated 18 April 2024

    Linking myGov to ATO online services

    To link your myGov account to us, you need to answer 2 questions about information in your tax record. This content explains what information you need and where to find it.

    Bank account details

    Use either a bank account:

    • where you receive your income tax refund
    • that has earned interest in the last 2 years.

    You'll need the bank account:

    • BSB number (no spaces or symbols)
    • account number (no spaces).

    You can usually find this information by logging in to your bank's mobile app, web account or on your bank statement.

    If you've lodged your tax return using a tax agent, it may be their bank account details on your ATO record.

    If you're unable to provide bank account details, select a different question.

    PAYG payment summary

    Use a pay as you go (PAYG) payment summary issued in the last 2 years. This comes from your employer.

    You'll need your gross income in whole dollars. Don't use cents, spaces, '$' or symbols.

    If you don't have a copy of your summary or don't know your gross income, select a different question.

    Centrelink payment summary

    Use a Centrelink payment summary issued in the last 2 years.

    You'll need your taxable income in whole dollars. Don't use cents, spaces, '$' or symbols. If your taxable income is zero, you can't use this question.

    You can find these details on the annual statement that Centrelink provides you.

    If your myGov account has a link to Centrelink, you can sign in and get the details online.

    If you don’t have a copy or don't know your taxable income, select a different question.

    Notice of assessment

    Use a notice of assessment (NOA) issued in the last 5 years.

    You will need:

    • the date of issue – enter the date in the format 'dd/mm/yyyy'
    • Our reference number – no spaces.

    You can find these details in the top right-hand corner of your NOA.

    If you don't have a copy, select a different question.

    Super account details

    Use a super account statement from the last 5 years.

    You will need your:

    • member account number (up to 16 characters)
    • super fund's Australian business number (ABN).

    You can also find these details on:

    • an email or letter from your fund
    • a membership card.

    If the super fund's ABN is not on one of these items or more than one ABN is included, you can look them up at Super Fund LookupExternal Link.

    If no money has been contributed to your super account in the last 12 months, your account may be inactive. Use another super account or select a different question.

    Dividend statement

    Use a dividend statement from the last 2 years.

    You need your investment reference number. Include all numbers with no spaces.

    If you don't have a dividend statement, you may find these details on an email or letter from your investment body. If you don’t have this information, select a different question.

    Troubleshooting errors and issues

    If you receive an error message or experience an issue when entering the above information, see our Help and support for online services – individuals.


    When you can't sign in to your myGov account

    How to access your myGov account if you can't sign in and relink the account to the ATO.

    Last updated 12 November 2024

    Info Alert
    The myGovID app is now known as myID
    myGovID has a new name and look – but how you use it is the same. Find out more at Link.

    Sign in issues

    You may not be able to sign in to your myGov account because you:

    • changed your mobile phone number
    • went overseas and no longer have access to your Australian mobile number
    • deleted the myGov Code Generator app
    • can't answer your secret question
    • forgot your password.

    If you forget your password, reset it by selecting Forgot password on the myGov sign in page.

    When you can't sign in to your myGov account, you can either:

    Recover your account using myID

    If you used SMS security codes or Answer a secret question as your sign in method, you can use myID to recover your account.

    To recover your myGov account, download the myID app and set it up to a Strong identity strengthExternal Link.

    Your name, date of birth and email address for your myGov account must match the details you use to set up your myID.

    After you set up your myID, you can recover your account:

    1. Go to the myGov sign inExternal Link page.
    2. Enter your username and password and select Sign in.
    3. Select I didn’t get my code or I can't answer my question.
    4. Select Continue with Digital Identity.
    5. Sign in with your myID.

    Online access strength

    Once you’ve recovered your account with your Strong myID and linked or accessed ATO online services, you’ll:

    • have a Strong online access strength
    • need to use your Strong myID whenever you sign in to myGov to access ATO online services.

    This is to help protect your information and increase your online security.

    Your online access strength only applies to ATO online services. It doesn't apply to your myGov account or other linked services.

    Create a new myGov account and relink to the ATO

    If you can't recover your account using myID, you need to create a new myGov account and relink to the ATO.

    You can choose to use a different email address when creating your new account. If you want to use the same email address, the myGov help desk must release it. Contact the myGov help desk:

    • In Australia, phone 13 23 07 and select option 1.
    • Outside Australia, phone +61 1300 169 468.

    Avoid losing access in future

    To avoid losing access to your new myGov account, we recommend you use myIDExternal Link to sign in and enabling a back-up sign in method:

    1. In myGov, go to My account.
    2. Select Account settings.
    3. Select Sign in options and follow the prompts.

    If you connect your myID and use it to sign in and access ATO online services, your highest identity strength becomes your online access strength and you’ll use your myID for all future access.



    Using ATO online services

    What you can do and how to use ATO online to manage your tax and super in one place as an individual or sole trader.

    Last updated 29 July 2024

    Access to ATO online

    To access our online services, you must create a myGov account and link it to the ATO.

    A Digital ID, such as myID, is the most secure way to access ATO online services through myGov. When you access ATO online services, the sign in method you've used with the highest identity strength becomes your online access strength. This is to help protect your information and increase your online security.

    Before you link to us, you can test the available functions and features in our online services using our ATO online services simulator.

    Manage your personal details

    Use ATO online to manage your personal details – find out how to:

    Manage your employment details

    Use ATO online to access and complete employment forms for new employment to update details with your employer or other payers.

    Employment forms available in ATO online include:

    • Tax file number declaration
    • Superannuation (super) fund standard choice
    • Withholding declaration
    • Medicare levy variation declaration.

    If your employer has their own electronic form, complete their form. If you're unsure, check with your employer.

    View your tax information

    Use ATO online services to view your:

    Tax file number (TFN)

    To view or find your TFN:

    1. Go to My profile.
    2. Select Personal details.

    Australian business number (ABN)

    To view or find your ABN if you're a sole trader:

    1. Go to My profile.
    2. Select Personal details.

    Communication history

    To view or find most past communications about your tax information:

    1. Go to My profile.
    2. Select Communication.
    3. Select History.

    Debt on hold

    We have step-by-step instructions on how to view your debt on hold and when a debt has been taken off hold.

    Payment plan status or request a payment plan

    You may be eligible to set up, adjust or cancel an existing payment plan. You can set up a payment plan online if you owe $200,000 or less.

    To check the status or set up a payment plan:

    1. Go to Tax.
    2. Select Payments.
    3. Select Payment plans.

    You can also check the status of an existing payment plan.

    Study or training support loan

    To view your study or training support loan online:

    1. Go to Tax.
    2. Select Accounts.
    3. Select Loan accounts.

    Individual tax documents

    You can use ATO online services to review and print copies of individual tax documents such as a notice of assessment, income statement or lodge income tax return.

    To get a copy of your notice of assessment:

    1. Go to Tax.
    2. Select Lodgments.
    3. Select Income tax.
    4. Select History.
    5. Select Notice of Assessment link for the relevant year.

    To get a copy of your income statement:

    1. Go to Employment.
    2. Select Income statements.

    To get a copy of your lodged tax return:

    1. Go to Tax.
    2. Select Lodgments.
    3. Select Income tax.
    4. Select History.
    5. Select View details for the relevant year.
    6. Print (Ctrl+P) or save (Ctrl+S) – a new screen Customer Copy Only will appear from the bottom of the screen.

    Additional tax information

    You can also use ATO online services to:

    Lodge and pay your tax

    Find out more about how to lodge and pay your tax using ATO online services:

    Manage your other lodgments as a sole trader

    If you have an active ABN, you can use ATO online services to manage your other lodgments:

    Add, update or cancel tax registrations

    To add, update or cancel a tax registration:

    1. Select Tax.
    2. Select Manage.
    3. Select Tax registrations.

    Add a tax registration

    To add a tax registration:

    1. Select Current registrations.
    2. Select Add.
    3. Go to the Select registration drop-down menu and choose from the list
      • Goods and services tax (GST)
      • Income tax withholding (ITW – also known as PAYG withholding or PAYGW)
      • Luxury car tax (LCT)
      • Wine equalisation tax (WET)
      • Fuel tax credits (FTC).
    4. Complete the registration details in the form.

    Update a tax registration

    To update a tax registration:

    1. Select Update next to the tax registration.
    2. Complete the mandatory fields.

    Cancel a tax registration

    To cancel a tax registration:

    1. Select Cancel next to the tax registration.
    2. Type the date the cancellation takes effect.
    3. Select the reason for cancellation.

    Lodge super guarantee charge statement

    To lodge a super guarantee charge statement:

    1. Select Tax.
    2. Select Lodgments.
    3. Select Reports and forms.
    4. Select Super guarantee charge statement.

    Single touch payroll (STP) deferral or exemptions

    To apply for a Single Touch Payroll deferral or exemption:

    1. Select Employment.
    2. Select Manage employees.
    3. Select STP deferrals and exemptions.

    Request a transfer or refund

    To request a transfer between your accounts, or a refund:

    1. Select Tax.
    2. Select Accounts.
    3. Select Transfer request or Refund request.

    Lodge a private ruling or objection application

    To lodge an application for a private ruling or objection:

    1. Select Tax.
    2. Select Lodgments.
    3. Select Reports and forms.
    4. Then select either
      • Private ruling application
      • Lodge an objection
      • Submit further information for lodged private ruling or objection.

    Send or access secure mail

    To send or access secure mail:

    1. Select My profile.
    2. Select Communication.
    3. Select Secure mail.

    Information about managing your lodgments

    For more information about managing your lodgments, see:

    View, manage and access your super

    For information about how to view, manage and access your super using ATO online services, see:


    Use ATO online to complete forms online for new employment, or to update tax and super details with your employer.

    Find out what Australian identity documents we accept to support changes to your name and date of birth in ATO online.

    Individuals and sole traders with a myGov account linked to the ATO can lodge, view and revise their activity statements.

    Access to shares, stapled security and unit transactions in ATO online and the capital gains tax summary calculation.


    Access and complete employment forms in ATO online

    Use ATO online to complete forms online for new employment, or to update tax and super details with your employer.

    Last updated 6 November 2024

    When to use the forms

    Use the online employment forms New employment and Employment details to provide your tax details or super fund choice or both to your employer. These online forms are an alternative to the paper forms for the:

    • Tax file number (TFN) declaration
    • Withholding declaration
    • Medicare levy variation declaration
    • Superannuation (super) standard choice.

    When we say employer, we mean the business or individual making payments to you. This applies even if you're not receiving payments for work or services – for example, a payer of a superannuation income stream or compensation payments.

    When not to use the forms

    You can't use the online forms if:

    Before you start

    Your employer may have their own electronic employment form, check with them before completing the online form in ATO online.

    If your employer:

    • has their own electronic form, complete their form
    • doesn't have their own electronic form, complete the form in ATO online.

    How to get the online forms

    To access these forms, you need to link your myGov account to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

    Sign in to myGov and go to your linked services, then:

    • select Australian Taxation Office
    • select Employment from the menu.
    • select either
      • New employment – to complete your tax details or choose a super fund or both for a new employer, or provide your tax file number to your superannuation fund.
      • Employment details – to view and update your tax or super details with your current employer.
        • Select the dropdown box beside your current employer’s business name/ABN to view your tax and super details. If your current employer is not displayed or the Update button is not available, select New employment from the Employment menu.
        • Your tax and super details for current and past employers provided to the ATO since September 2017 are shown in the Current tab. If you update your tax and super details for your current employer, your previous details will then show in the History tab.
        • If your current employment details are not displayed in the Current tab, you don't need to submit a new form unless your situation has changed.
        • Tax and super details for past employers displayed in the Current tab are shown for record purposes only.

    To view current income details from your employers that issue income statements, select Income statements from the Employment menu.

    How to complete the forms

    To complete the New employment form, you will need:

    • your employer's Australian business number (ABN) or withholding payer number (WPN)
    • your employment type – for example, full time, part time, casual.

    For your super fund choice, you will need:

    • the details of your self-managed super fund (SMSF) if you're choosing your SMSF, including
    • the details of your employer's default super fund if you're choosing the default fund, including
      • super fund's name
      • unique superannuation identifier (USI)

    We prefill some of your information and display questions that are applicable to your personal circumstances – for example, education loans.

    Once the form is completed, you must print your employee tax or tax and super details summary and give it to your employer. The information you provide will allow your employer to work out the amount of tax to be withheld from payments. It will also allow them to make contributions to your chosen super fund, if you provide super fund details.

    Complete or check your details are correct in the following sections of the form:

    Employer ABN or WPN

    Type your employer's 'ABN' or 'WPN' in the field provided. You will need to validate the employer ABN or WPN by using the search button.

    Employer branch ID

    Type your employer's 'branch ID' if known. For example, 001.

    This field can be left blank if unknown.

    Employment type

    Select your employment type from the options listed in the form.

    Tax and super details

    Select the details you will provide to your employer.

    Select the box beside Tax details to provide the tax withholding details that are present on the paper form for the:

    • TFN declaration
    • Withholding declaration
    • Medicare levy variation

    Select the box beside Super details to provide your super fund choice.

    Personal details

    We pre-fill this information from the personal details recorded in ATO online services. You will need to check that your personal details are correct.

    Residency status

    Select your residency status for tax purposes from the options in the form.

    Your residency status determines the amount of tax that will be withheld by your employer.

    If your form has a residency status selected and it's incorrect, select your correct residency status.

    Tax withholding details

    Complete the following sections for your tax withholding details.

    Tax free threshold

    You don't pay tax on income you earn each year under the tax-free threshold.

    You can claim the tax-free threshold from an employer if:

    • they are your only employer
    • this employer pays you the most, if you have more than one employer
    • your income from all sources is less than tax-free threshold.

    Select an option, yes or no to I want to claim the tax-free threshold.

    Withholding amount

    Some people find that the tax that their employer withholds from their pay is too little, resulting in a tax bill when they lodge their tax return. You can choose for your employer to take more tax out of your pay throughout the year. This will make it more likely that you get a refund when you lodge your tax return.

    You can increase the amount of tax withheld by your employer by a set amount or percentage rate above the standard withholding amount.

    The additional amount of tax withheld will start after you give your employee tax or tax and super details summary to your employer.

    Select an option, yes or no to Would you like this employer to withhold more tax from your pay each period?

    If yes, select an option, to Set the additional withholding amount per payment by either:

    • Specific amount – type the Additional amount (on top of standard withholding amounts)
    • Percentage rate – type the Additional percentage (on top of standard withholding amounts).

    To cease the additional withholding, you need to update your tax details using the Employment details or New Employment form and print the summary and give it to your employer.

    For more information about tax rates and calculating withheld amounts, see:

    Education loan withholding

    If you have an education loan and your yearly income exceeds a minimum repayment threshold, you will have to make repayments towards your loan. Your employer must withhold extra tax from your pay to cover these repayments. These loans include:

    • Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
    • VET Student Loan (VSL)
    • Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS)
    • Student Start-up Loan (SSL) and ABSTUDY Student Start-up Loan (ABSTUDY SSL)
    • Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan (AASL) (previously known as Trade Support Loan (TSL).

    If you don't have an education loan

    If you don't have an education loan, you won't see this section online or in your printed employee tax or tax and super details summary.

    If you have repaid your education loan in full

    If you repaid your education loan in full when you lodged your last tax return, you won't see this section online. It also won't appear in your employee tax or tax and super details summary. You will need to print your summary and give to your employer to notify them to stop withholding the extra tax from your pay. If you have an education loan, or had one during the year.

    Select an option, yes or no to Have you fully repaid any of the above loans since you lodged your last tax return?

    • Yes – If you have fully repaid one or more education loans since you lodged your last tax return, you can select those loans below so your employer doesn't withhold extra tax from your pay. These loans will not appear in your employee tax or tax and super details summary, which you will need to print and give to your employer. This will notify your employer to stop withholding the extra tax from your pay. 
    • No – proceed to the next question. The loans will appear in your employee tax or tax and super details summary, which you will need to print and give to your employer. This will inform your employer that they need to continue withholding the extra tax from your pay.

    For more information on types of loans and repayments, see Study and training support loans.

    Offsets and rebates

    Tax offsets and rebates are special life circumstances which reduce the tax your employer will withhold from your pay.

    Offsets can be claimed on your next tax return even if you don't claim them now.

    Select the options that match your circumstances:

    • Senior or pensioner
    • Invalid or invalid carer
      • Determine your eligibility and calculate the offset amount for invalid and invalid carer tax offset
      • An invalid is someone who has received either a disability support pension, a special needs disability support pension, or an invalidity service pension.
      • Type the calculated amount into the provided field.
    • Live in a remote area (zone) or serve in overseas forces

    Medicare levy variation

    Your employer withholds an additional 2% of your pay to cover your contribution to the national Medicare levy. In some circumstances, your contribution can also be reduced or increased.

    Select from the options in the form the circumstance that best applies to you:

    • Exempt from Medicare levy
    • Liable for Medicare levy surcharge
    • Entitled to Medicare levy reduction
    • None of the above

    To work out if you are eligible, see to:

    Super fund choice details

    Let your employer know the details of your super fund account so they can pay contributions into your chosen fund.

    Select from the options in the form where your super should be paid:

    • Choose an existing super fund account – this option is available if you already have a super fund
    • Choose your SMSF - type your SMSF details into the fields provided.
    • Choose your employer's default super fund – type your employer's default super fund details into the fields provided.
    • I don't want to choose a super fund right now.

    Summary and declaration

    A summary of your details will be displayed. Depending on the information you have provided, you will see your tax details, super details, or both.

    Use the Back button to correct any information.

    You will be declaring that the information you have provided is true and correct to submit the form. Select the box at Tick the box to sign the declaration with the identification details you used to log in, then select Finalise.

    To complete this process, you will need to print the summary and give it to your employer.

    Don’t send this information to your employer via email. Sending personal information via email can expose you to fraud as it’s not a secure channel. See more information on how to Protect your personal identifying information.

    Privacy of information

    We respect your privacy and only collect and disclose information, including your tax file number, as authorised by taxation law.


    Verifying identity documents in ATO online

    Find out what Australian identity documents we accept to support changes to your name and date of birth in ATO online.

    Last updated 2 June 2024

    How we verify your identity

    To change your name or date of birth in our systems we need verification of an Australian identity document.

    The Document Verification Service (DVS) checks whether the information on your identity document matches the original record. To support the change the document details you provide are verified with the issuing agency using the DVS.

    Drivers licence

    You can verify your Australian drivers licence if it is active, disqualified or suspended.

    These examples show common locations where you will find the details on your drivers licence. Your licence may show these in different locations depending on the issuing state or territory.

    Drivers licence ACT

    An Australian Capital Territory (ACT) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of an ACT drivers licence that shows the Family name, Given name, Middle name, Licence number and Date of birth circled.

    Drivers licence NSW

    A New South Wales (NSW) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of a NSW driver licence that shoes the Given name, Middle name, Family name, Licence number and Card number circled.

    Drivers licence NT

    A Northern Territory (NT) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of the front of a NT driver licence that shows the Family name, Given name, Middle name and Licence number circled.

    An example of the back of a NT driver licence that shows the Card number circled.

    Drivers licence QLD

    A Queensland (QLD) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of the front of a QLD driver licence that shows the Family name, Given name, Middle name Licence number and Card number circled.

    An example of the back of a QLD driver licence that shows the Card number circled.

    Drivers licence SA

    A South Australian (SA) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of the front of a SA driver licence that shows the Licence number, Given name, Middle name and Family name circled.

    An example of the back of a SA driver licence that shows the Card number circled.

    Drivers licence Tas

    A Tasmanian (Tas) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of the front of a TAS driver licence that shows the Licence number, Given name, Middle name and Family name circled.

    An example of the back of a TAS driver licence that shows the Card number circled.

    Drivers licence Vic

    A Victorian (Vic) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of the front of a VIC driver licence that shows the Given name, Middle name, Family name and Licence number circled.

    An example of the back of a VIC driver licence that shows the Card number circled in the middle section on the right hand side.

    Drivers licence WA

    A Western Australian (WA) drivers licence showing where to locate the family name, given name, middle name, licence number and date of birth.

    An example of the front of a WA driver licence that shows the Family name, Given name, Middle name and Licence number circled.

    An example of the back of a WA driver licence that shows the Card number circled.

    Birth certificate (original or updated)

    These 4 examples show common locations where you will find the details on your Australian birth certificate. Your certificate may show these details in different locations depending on the issuing state or territory.

    Always verify your document using the certificate number if it was issued with one.

    Birth certificate ACT, SA and NT

    An example birth certificate showing the likely location of the family name, given names, registration number and date of birth for the ACT, SA and NT.

    An example of an Australian birth certificate for ACT, SA and NT that shows the Family name, Given name, Date of birth, Registration number and Certificate number circled.

    Birth certificate QLD and Tas

    An example birth certificate showing the likely location of the family name, given names, registration number, registration date and date of birth for QLD and Tas.

    An example of an Australian birth certificate for QLD and TAS that shows the Family name, Given name, Date of birth, Registered on registration date and Certificate number circled.

    Birth certificate WA

    An example birth certificate showing the likely location of the family name, given names, certificate number, registration date and date of birth for WA.

    An example of an Australian birth certificate for WA that shows the Certificate number, Registration number, Family name, Given name and Date of birth circled.

    Birth certificate NSW and Vic

    An example birth certificate showing the likely location of the family name, given names, registration number, registration date and date of birth for NSW and Vic.

    Front of certificate (NSW and Vic)

    An example of the front of an Australian birth certificate for NSW and VIC that shows the Registration number, Family name, Given name and Date of birth circled.

    Back of certificate (NSW and Vic)

    An example of the back of an Australian birth certificate for NSW and VIC that shows the third barcode circled.

    Marriage certificate

    These 4 examples show common locations where you will find the details on your Australian marriage certificate. Your certificate may show these details in different locations depending on the issuing state or territory.

    Your information will be verified with the issuing agency using the Document Verification Service.

    Marriage certificate ACT, QLD, SA, NT and Tas

    An example of an Australian marriage certificate for ACT, QLD, SA, NT and Tas that shows the date of marriage, groom's family name, groom's given names, bride's family name, bride's given name, registration number and certificate number.

    An example of an Australian marriage certificate for ACT, QLD, SA, NT and TAS that shows the Date of marriage, Groom's family name, Groom's given names, Bride's family name, Bride's given name, Registration number and Certificate number circled.

    Marriage certificate Vic

    An example of the front and back of an Australian marriage certificate for Vic that shows the date of marriage, groom's family name, groom's given names, bride's family name, bride's given name and registration number.

    Front of certificate (Vic)

    An example of the front of an Australian marriage certificate for VIC that shows the Date of marriage, Groom's family name, Groom's given names, Bride's family name, Bride's given name and Registration number circled.

    Back of certificate (Vic)

    An example of the back of an Australian marriage certificate for VIC that shows the third barcode circled.

    Marriage certificate NSW

    An example of the front and back of an Australian marriage certificate for NSW that shows the date of marriage, groom's family name, groom's given names, bride's family name, bride's given name and registration number.

    Front of certificate (NSW)

    An example of the front of an Australian marriage certificate for NSW that shows the Registration number, Date of marriage, Groom's family name, Groom's given names, Bride's family name and Bride's given name circled.

    Back of certificate (NSW)

    An example of the back of an Australian marriage certificate for NSW that shows the third barcode circled.

    Marriage certificate WA

    An example of an Australian marriage certificate for WA that shows the date of marriage, groom's family name, groom's given names, bride's family name, bride's given name and registration number.

    An example of an Australian marriage certificate for WA that shows the Certificate number, Registration number, Date of marriage, Groom's family name, Groom's given names, Bride's family name and Bride's given name circled.

    Change of name certificate

    These 5 examples show common locations where you will find the details on your Australian change of name certificate. Your certificate may show these details in different locations depending on the issuing state or territory.

    Your information will be verified with the issuing agency using the Document Verification Service.

    Change of name certificate WA

    An example of an Australian change of name certificate for WA that shows the certificate number, name after change, name before change, place of birth and registration number.

    An example of an Australian change of name certificate for WA that shows the Certificate number, Name after change, Name before change, Place of birth and Registration number circled.

    Change of name certificate NSW

    An example of the front and back of an Australian change of name certificate for NSW that shows the name after change, name before change, place of birth and registration number.

    Front of certificate (NSW)

    An example of the front of an Australian change of name certificate for NSW that shows the Name after change, Name before change, Place of birth and Registration number circled.

    Back of certificate (NSW)

    An example of the back of an Australian change of name certificate for NSW that shows the third barcode circled.

    Change of name certificate NT and SA

    An example of an Australian change of name certificate for NT and SA that shows the name after change, name before change, place of birth, registration number and certificate number.

    An example of an Australian change of name certificate for NT and SA that shows the Name after change, Name before change, Place of birth, Registration number and Certificate number circled.

    Change of name certificate Vic

    An example of the front of an Australian change of name certificate for Vic that shows the registration number, surname after change, given name after change and date of birth.

    Front of certificate (Vic)

    An example of the front of an Australian change of name certificate for VIC that shows the Registration number, Surname after change, Given name after change and Date of birth circled.

    Back of certificate (Vic)

    An example of the back of an Australian change of name certificate for VIC that shows the third barcode circled.

    Change of name certificate QLD and Tas

    An example of an Australian change of name certificate for QLD and Tas that shows the registration number, surname after change, given name after change, date of birth and certificate number.

    An example of an Australian change of name certificate for QLD and TAS that shows the Registration number, Surname after change, Given name after change, Date of birth and Certificate number circled.


    You can verify your Australian passport if it is valid (not cancelled, replaced, or reported lost or stolen) up to 3 years after the expiry date.

    Your information will be verified with the issuing agency using the Document Verification Service.

    An example of an Australian passport that shows the document number, family name, given name and date of birth.

    An example of an Australian passport that shows the Document number, Family name, Given name and Date of birth circled.

    Visa (using your foreign passport)

    You can verify your Australian visa using information found on the travel document associated with your visa. This is usually a foreign passport, but it could be a different type of travel document or the visa letter or email.

    Your information will be verified with the issuing agency using the Document Verification Service.

    Tip for verifying your details online

    You won't be able to verify your visa if:

    • the visa has expired or been cancelled
    • the original passport has been replaced, or reported lost or stolen
    • you've departed Australia, or
    • you've become an Australian citizen.

    An example of a foreign passport that shows the family name, given name and date of birth.

    An example of a foreign passport that shows the Family name, Given name and Date of birth circled.

    Citizenship certificate

    There are many different types of citizenship certificates. You can verify your Certificate of Australian Citizenship online if it has a:

    • Stock number on the back that looks like ACC 123456 or CAS 1234
    • Stock number on the front, in the bottom left corner, that looks like ACC 123456 or CAS 1234
    • number (sometimes called an Evidence No.) on the front, in the bottom left corner, that is eleven digits long and starts with a zero, for example 01234567890.

    Your information will be verified with the issuing agency using the Document Verification Service.

    An example Certificate of Australian Citizenship front and back that shows given name(s), family name(s), date of birth and acquisition date and stock number.

    Front of certificate

    Certificate of Australian Citizenship (Front) displaying Given Name(s); Family Names(s); Date of Birth and Acquisition date all circled in red.

    Back of certificate

    Certificate of Australian Citizenship (Back) displaying Stock number circled in red.



    Maintain your credit or debit card details

    How to maintain your credit or debit card details.

    Last updated 8 April 2021


    The quickest way to maintain your credit and debit details is through our Online servicesExternal Link for individuals. All you need is a myGov account linked to the ATO. 

    When providing your credit and debit card details we need the:

    • card holder name
    • card number (no spaces or hyphens)
    • expiry month and year
    • CCV number – this three-digit number on the back of the card.

    When entering the card holder name, include spaces between each word and initials where required – for example, John Q Citizen.

    Steps to maintain your card details

    To maintain your credit and debit card details:

    • sign in to your myGov account and select ATO
    • from ATO Online services, select My profile then select Manage card details.
      This will display any stored cards and the status of each card - for example, unusable, expired, or expiring soon. A maximum of three cards can be stored.
    • select Add to enter a new credit or debit card, or click on the arrow to the right of a stored card to Edit or Remove card details
    • tick the box to agree to sign the declaration with the identification details you used to log-in
    • select Save.

    By phone

    To maintain your credit and debit card details by phone you must be the card holder.

    If you're the card holder, call us during operating hours to speak to a customer service representative.

    When you call us, we'll confirm your identity by asking you some questions based on information from your tax records.

    You will need to know one of the following :

    • your personal tax file number (TFN)
    • Australian business number (ABN).

    For details about the information we collect see Privacy notice – Maintain credit and debit cards.


    Lodging your activity statement online

    Individuals and sole traders with a myGov account linked to the ATO can lodge, view and revise their activity statements.

    Last updated 9 January 2023

    Individuals and sole traders with a myGov account linked to the ATO can lodge, view and revise their activity statements using our online services through their myGov account. Lodging your activity statement online is a quick, easy and secure way for you to prepare and lodge.

    Benefits of lodging online

    Lodging your activity statement electronically means you:

    • can lodge at a time that's convenient to you as it's available 24/7
    • may receive an additional two weeks to lodge and pay your activity statement – see our two-week deferral offer
    • can review your activity statement before lodging and check that the amount calculated equals what you expect to pay or receive.

    You can manage your activity statements and PAYG instalments electronically from any device. Simply sign in to your myGov account and access ATO services. You can then:

    • view, lodge, revise, vary and pay your activity statement
    • manage your PAYG instalments, including elections, voluntary entry, and real-time exits.

    Media: Activity statement lodgment: It’s easy online Link (Duration: 00:30)

    How to lodge online

    You lodge your activity statement for individuals and sole traders online through myGov.

    Sign in to myGov

    By clicking on this link you will be taken away from Once you're signed in to myGov, access the ATO from linked services, then:

    1. Select Tax and then Activity statements from the menu.
    2. To lodge a new activity statement, select Lodge activity statement. To view or revise an already lodged activity statement, select View or revise activity statements.

    You can lodge your activity statement in a matter of minutes.

    See also:


    Your securities (share and unit) records in ATO online

    Access to shares, stapled security and unit transactions in ATO online and the capital gains tax summary calculation.

    Last updated 2 June 2024

    Access to securities transactions

    You and your tax agent can access third party data that we hold for shares, stapled security and unit transactions through ATO online services.

    Downloads available in our online services contain data records reported to us in a standardised form. These records are made available to help you comply with your tax obligations relating to shares, stapled securities or unit holdings.

    Don't rely only on the information in these records. You must review your own records to verify that the information is complete and correct. Our information may be incomplete because:

    • an organisation has not supplied data yet
    • our processing has not been completed
    • we have received data that could not be matched to you with high confidence
    • the data did not pass all validation processing checks.

    Review the Transaction Type and Transaction Description columns in your data download to see if you have to report and pay tax on your securities.

    For instructions on how to work out which securities have been sold, see Identifying when shares or units are acquired.

    For more information on the other records in the data download, see Understanding your data download report.

    Understanding your data download report

    Use the definitions in the tables below to understand the fields in your data download report.

    Download fields – all records

    All records will contain the following fields in the data download report.

    Table: All records data download report field definitions



    Security identifier

    This field contains one of the following, the:

    • APIR code – these are 9 characters with the last 2 characters as per the ISO 3166-2 country code of the participant.
    • Listed securities code – these are a minimum of 3 characters and will match the code used to identify the security on the relevant financial market, such as the ASX.
    • Australian business number (ABN) – ABNs are 11 digit numbers.


    Security name

    This is the full business name of the issuer of the security.

    Financial year

    The financial year runs from 1 July to 30 June each year. This field shows which financial year the transaction occurred in – for example, the report will show 2023–24.

    Investor count

    The number of investors in the account.

    Account ID

    The account reference number provided by the reporter.


    This is the identification number given to the investor by the broker or by the issuer of the securities.

    A security reference number (SRN) is allocated by an issuer to identify a holder on an issuer sponsored or certificated sub-register.

    Holder Identification Number (HIN) is a number identifying registration on the Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS).

    Transaction date

    This is the date the transaction occurred and will be the acquisition date or disposal date for the shares or units.

    Quantity change

    This indicates the impact on the quantity from the transaction. Possible values are:

    • increase
    • decrease
    • no change.


    Transaction type

    Each record is categorised as a particular transaction type which is reported to assist in understanding the impact of each transaction.

    Transaction description

    The description provides further detail on the impact of each transaction. For more information, see Shares, units and similar investments.


    This is the number of shares or units in the transaction.

    Download fields – securities reported using the transaction method

    If a third party reported data on securities you hold using the transaction reporting method, the following fields may be included in the table on the data download.

    Table: Securities reported using the transaction method download fields definitions



    Unit amount

    The price per share or unit.


    The price per share or unit multiplied by the quantity of shares or units in the transaction.

    Tax deferred amount

    The total value of any tax deferred payment.

    Related ID

    This field contains a security ID to link transactions where a corporate action has impacts across more than one security.

    Download fields – summary of CGT calculation

    There may be a summary of a capital gains tax (CGT) calculation included in the data download. This only includes disposals with a cost base calculation and will contain the following additional fields as reported to us.

    Table: Summary of CGT calculation



    Parcel Selection Method

    Shares or units bought at different times may have different cost bases and this will affect the amount of your gain or loss.

    This field indicates the basis on which the reporting entity calculated your estimated gain. Possible values are:

    • ALL – all securities sold
    • FIFO – first in first out
    • HCFO – highest cost first out
    • LIFO – last in first out
    • OTHR – other method.


    Number of disposed securities that were acquired in the last 12 months

    This field indicates how many of the securities reported in the quantity field (number of all securities in the transaction), were acquired within the last 12 months.

    Tax deferred amount

    The tax deferred distributions associated with the parcel of securities over the entire time they were held.

    CGT original acquisition amount

    This is the amount originally paid to acquire the shares or units.

    Cost base

    The cost base of a CGT asset is generally the cost of the asset when the investor bought it. However, it also includes certain other costs associated with acquiring, holding and disposing of the asset. If the transaction results in a capital loss from these events, the reduced cost base of the CGT asset should be reported here.


    The amount of money or the value of any asset the investor receives or is entitled to receive as a result of a CGT event.

    Gross gain or loss

    The gross capital gain or loss taking into account all the elements of the cost base and any reductions for tax deferred distributions or returns of capital.

    Discounted gain

    The capital gain amount taking into account any discount that the taxpayer may be eligible for. If you made a loss or the reporter has not calculated this information, this field may be zero (0).



    Help and support for online services – individuals

    Help if you're having trouble linking to ATO online services, using myTax or the ATO app, or applying for a TFN online.

    Last updated 20 November 2024

    Linking ATO online services to myGov

    Check your personal details are in the correct format:

    • TFN – 9-digit number, no spaces
    • Given name – the first 40 characters
    • Family name – the first 40 characters
    • One name only – enter your name in the Family name field only.

    If you still get an error message, check the table below for support.

    Known issues or errors you may experience when linking to ATO online services

    Error message or known issue

    What you can do

    Unable to link

    Identity strength too weak to link to the ATO

    Error codes: PAB.DE.0006, PAB.DE.0007

    To link ATO online services to your myGov account, you need to use the sign in method that matches your online access strength – see Cyber safety.

    You've used a sign in method with a lower identity strength than you've used previously.

    For example, if you previously used your Digital ID, such as myID, with a Strong identity strength, you'll need to:

    • select Cancel
    • log out of myGov
    • sign in again with your Strong myID.

    If you set up your myID again, including on multiple devicesExternal Link, check:

    • you have the same identity strength across each device
    • your identity strength matches the highest level you've achieved.

    If you're still unable to meet your online access strength, speak with a customer service representative on our Individuals support line.

    If your online access strength has not been set before or you suspect someone has accessed your myGov account and ATO online services without your permission, report this immediately by speaking with a customer service representative on our Individual enquiries line.

    Unable to link

    Unable to complete link as details do not match customer record.

    Check you’ve entered these details correctly.

    Find your myGov personal details (name and date of birth):

    • select My account from the myGov homepage
    • then select My profile.

    These details will only appear if you have a link to either Medicare or Centrelink.

    If these details are incorrect, you’ll need to contact either Centrelink or MedicareExternal Link to update them.

    If the details displayed are correct, you'll need to contact us to update your ATO record.

    Two attempts remaining

    One attempt remaining

    Check the information is entered in the correct format. To find the correct format, read the instructions or click on the help (?) icon for format advice.

    If you're unable to answer, select another question about information in your tax record. You can find out more about the information you need for linking to us on myGov.

    Linking lockout

    This occurs when you’ve had 3 failed attempts to link to us.

    For security purposes you won’t be able to link for one hour.

    Try again after the one-hour lockout has expired.

    Check the information is entered in the correct format. To check the correct format, read the instructions or click on the help (?) icon for format advice.

    If you're unable to answer, select another question specific to you. You can find out more about information you need for linking to us on myGov.

    Unable to sign in to myGov

    You may not be able to sign in to your myGov account if you don't have access to security codes.

    See When you can't sign in to your myGov account.

    Cannot find link

    This message appears when attempting to navigate from myGov to ATO online.

    This means myGov is unable to find an active link to the ATO.

    You need to link your myGov account to the ATO before you can access ATO online services.

    If you have previously linked your account to the ATO, return to the myGov homepage, and select View and link services to check your ATO link status:

    • If not showing as linked, select Link to begin the linking process.
    • If linked, you need to select Unlink.

    Once you've received confirmation that the ATO has been unlinked, you should select Link to link again.

    Unable to verify

    Ineligible to link

    If you receive one of these error messages, you will need to contact us.

    See Create a myGov account and link it to the ATO.

    Using ATO online services

    Known issues or errors when using ATO online services

    Error message or known issue

    What you can do

    Your sign in method doesn't meet minimum access requirements

    To access ATO online services, you need to use the sign in method that matches your online access strength – see Cyber safety.

    You've used a sign in method with a lower identity strength than you've used previously.

    For example, if you've previously used your Digital ID, such as myID, with a Strong identity strength, your online access strength is Strong. You'll need to log out and sign in to myGov again with your Strong myID.

    If you set up your myID again, including on multiple devicesExternal Link, check:

    • you have the same identity strength across each device
    • your identity strength matches the highest level you've achieved.

    If you're still unable to meet your online access strength, speak to a customer service representative on our Individual enquiries line.

    If your online access strength has not been set before, or you suspect someone has accessed your myGov account and ATO online services without your permission, report this immediately to a customer service representative on our Individual enquiries line.


    Your login has been cancelled when connecting to ATO online services.

    To resolve this:

    If the problem persists, contact us.

    Unable to login

    You may be impacted by a data breach where your personal information is stolen by an unauthorised third party. Data breaches can include both physical and digital records.

    We apply protective measures to protect your tax records from identity and refund fraud.

    If we apply these measures:

    • you may not be able to use myGovExternal Link or our online channels
    • pre-fill data may not be available.

    You will need to contact us.

    An error has occurred (001)

    If the problem persists, contact us.

    Your settings are blocking this page from loading (002)

    Check your device to see if you have an ad blocker, browser add-on or anti-virus software installed.

    You may need to update the settings of this software (check your software provider's instructions) to allow our website to display. For example, by allowing content from the domain which will enable access to

    You can generally find icons for ad blockers and other add-ons near the address bar in your browser.

    Alternatively, try using another device or browser.

    If you have followed the above steps and continue to experience this issue, contact us.

    A system issue error message is displayed

    Examples include:

    • A927.06 – The ATO system has encountered an unexpected error while processing your request
    • Proxy error
    • Unknown error
    • Unexpected system error
    • Session terminated
    • Session expiry.

    If the problem persists, contact us.

    Using myTax

    Known issues or errors when using myTax

    Known issue

    What you can do

    Lodged return displaying as 'Not lodged' or 'Resume' on the ATO online services homepage

    Some returns may not display as lodged immediately after lodgment and may still appear in the For action section on the ATO online services homepage.

    If you:

    • have a lodgment receipt number, do not attempt to lodge your return again
    • don’t have a lodgment receipt number, try lodging the return again.

    If the lodgment is still displaying as Not lodged or Resume after 3 days, contact us.

    Unable to see 2024–25 tax return or 'Prepare' link in the 'For action' box

    If you can’t see your return online, or there’s no ‘prepare’ link, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to lodge. It may be because you’ve previously told us your last lodged return would be your final tax return. 

    We understand accidents happen and circumstances change. If you do need to lodge, contact us.

    Using the ATO app

    Troubleshoot known issues or errors when using the ATO app

    Error message or known issue

    What you can do

    Your sign in method doesn't meet minimum access requirements

    To access ATO online services, including via the ATO app, you need to use the sign in method that matches your online access strength – see Cyber safety.

    You've used a sign in method with a lower identity strength than you've used previously.

    For example, if you've previously used your Digital ID, such as myID, with a Strong identity strength, your online access strength is Strong. You'll need to sign in again with your Strong myID.

    If you set up your myID again (including on multiple devices)External Link, check:

    • you have the same identity strength across each device
    • your identity strength matches the highest level you've achieved.

    If you're still unable to meet your online access strength, speak with a customer service representative on our Individual enquiries line.

    If your online access strength has not been set before or you suspect someone has accessed your myGov account and ATO online services without your permission, report this immediately to a customer service representative on our Individual enquiries line.

    Unable to view the latest information such as financial year or unable to access a feature within the app

    • Backup any myDeductions records (if applicable) before updating.
    • Update to the latest version of the ATO app.
    • Close the app, connect to the internet and open the app again.

    A system error message displays

    Examples may include:

    • an error has occurred
    • error during set-up
    • an error code
    • any other error.

    Ensure you have the latest version of the app installed.

    If the error message:

    • doesn't specify a timeframe – try again
    • specifies a timeframe – wait for that time to elapse and then try again.

    If you continue to receive the same error message, you can contact us to report the issue. Take note of and tell us the error code you receive.

    In myDeductions ‘Unable to upload your records’

    This might happen when you are attempting to upload myDeductions records to the ATO.

    • Check for any system maintenance.
    • Check your device is connected to the internet.
    • Ensure you have the latest version of the app – back up your myDeductions records before updating the app.
    • Try again later.

    If you continue to receive this error message, you can contact us to report the issue.

    In myDeductions – error trip recording on OPPO devices

    OPPO devices include a setting which prevents apps from running in the background. If you go out of the app or your device goes into standby mode while recording a GPS trip, this setting can cause the ATO app to stop tracking your trip.

    To resolve this issue, on your device, select:

    • Settings
    • Battery
    • Energy saver
    • ATO app
    • Turn off Background freeze.

    These steps may vary slightly depending on the device you have.

    Using myID to apply for a TFN

    Troubleshoot known issues when applying for a TFN online using myID

    Known issues

    What you can do

    An error has occurred. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. We apologise for any inconvenience. Try again later.

    Some users are receiving this error message after submitting their online TFN application form.

    We’re currently investigating this issue.

    If the issue persists, consider using an alternative method to apply for a TFN.

    Using Individuals Auto-Registration to apply for a TFN

    Troubleshoot known issues when applying for a TFN using Individuals Auto-Registration (IAR)

    Known issues

    What you can do

    When applying for a TFN in IAR, you may receive the following error message:

    Your info entered does not match that held by the Department of Home Affairs

    This issue can occur when the time zone on your device is not set to an Australian time zone.

    Set your device to an Australian time zone. Then resubmit the application.


    ATO and myGov communications

    Find out how we use myGov to communicate with you, including through your myGov Inbox.

    Last updated 13 February 2024

    About myGov communications

    If you have a myGov account linked to us, we'll send you messages and reminders through your myGov Inbox or ATO online services.

    You may receive general communications, like promotional information, through SMS or email.

    Due to legal and privacy requirements, personal information like your tax file number (TFN) can't be emailed to you.

    To receive your ATO mail through the post, phone us on 13 28 61.

    myGov sign in homepage

    When signed in, you may receive notifications for 'Payments and Claims' from other government agencies. We won't communicate with you through this feature.

    Communication preferences

    You can set or change your communication preferences.

    If you use a tax or BAS agent, you and your agent can view most correspondence sent to you or your agent on your behalf.

    If you don’t have a myGov account linked to us, you'll receive your ATO mail through the post or it will be sent to your tax or BAS agent.

    Using your myGov Inbox

    Information about ATO messages to your myGov Inbox:

    New message notifications

    You'll get an email, SMS or push notification from myGov when there's a new message from us in your myGov Inbox. The default setting for new message notifications is email.

    You need to sign in to your myGov account to view the message. We'll never email or SMS you a link to sign in to an online service.

    Change your myGov Inbox notifications

    To change how your message notifications are sent:

    1. Sign in to your myGov account.
    2. Select My account.
    3. Select Account Settings.
    4. Select Contact details.
    5. Edit your myGov notifications.

    Messages in your myGov Inbox

    Messages from us may include:

    • notices such as notices of assessment
    • statements of account
    • confirmation and reminder notices
    • activity statements or instalment notices.

    Messages in your myGov Inbox may contain links to our online services.

    You can save or print the messages and included PDF documents for your records.

    You can't reply to messages we send through your myGov Inbox.

    If you unlink the ATO from your myGov account

    If you unlink us from your myGov account, you won't be able to access our messages in your myGov Inbox. We recommend saving or printing these records before you unlink.

    To receive messages to your myGov inbox, relink the ATO to your myGov account.


    You can find support for:

    myGov Inbox

    For help with your myGov Inbox:

    Messages from the ATO

    For questions about an ATO message you've received, contact us.

    If you prefer to speak to us in a language other than English, phone us using the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50.

    If you have difficulty hearing or speaking to people over the phone, contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS)External Link.


    If you're vision impaired or use adaptive technology, you may not be able to access PDF documents sent through myGov. For assistance, contact us.

    Communication preferences allows you to authorise your tax professional to tell us where to send digital communications.

    We may contact you by SMS and email. If you aren't sure whether an SMS or email is from the ATO, check with us.


    Communication preferences

    Communication preferences allows you to authorise your tax professional to tell us where to send digital communications.

    Last updated 2 June 2024

    Choosing a communication preference

    We are committed to improving services for you and your registered tax or BAS agent through tailored and contemporary online services.

    If you use a tax professional, communication preferences allows you to authorise your tax professional to choose where we send your digital ATO communications.

    You can choose to have:

    • all communications sent to you
    • all communications sent to your registered agent
    • some communications sent to you and other communications sent to your registered agent.

    Once you know what you want to do, your agent can set your communication preferences.

    Setting your own communication preferences

    You are only able to check or view your communication preferences in ATO online.

    If you want to change them, contact your registered agent. If you can’t contact them, you can use online services help to contact us.

    Communications that we can send electronically

    We send many different types of communications about your tax and superannuation obligations.

    We can send communications electronically to you or your registered agent in the following 6 categories:

    • income tax
    • activity statement
    • study and training support loans
    • superannuation
    • debt
    • employer and business obligations.

    If we can't send a communication electronically, we'll send it to the postal address on your record.

    For a list of communications that can be sent electronically to your registered agent in ATO Online services for agents, see Communication types.

    We will continue to expand the communications we can send electronically.

    Setting your communication preferences

    Your registered agent will ask if you would like to change how you currently receive your communications from us. You will need to give your registered agent written authorisation and a declaration to set or change your preferences.

    You can then choose whether:

    • your registered agent receives some or all categories of communications we send you
    • you receive some or all categories of communications we send you, either      
      • directly to your myGov Inbox
      • to your nominated postal address if you don't have a myGov account.

    Your registered agent will let us know your preferences.

    If you have more than one tax or BAS agent and you want some of your communications to go to each, you need to complete an authorisation for each registered agent.

    For example, you can authorise your:

    • BAS agent – to receive activity statement communications
    • tax agent – to receive income tax communications.

    If you want your communications from us sent to your registered agent, we will send them electronically to ATO Online services for agents.

    Written authorisation and declaration

    Your registered agent needs your:

    • written authorisation to set or change your communication preferences
    • written declaration that the information you have provided is true and correct to set or change your communication preferences.

    They will tell you how they want your authorisation and declaration. For example, through email, fax or paper.

    You need to keep a copy of your written authorisation and declaration for up to 5 years, depending on your circumstances. We recommend your registered agent also keep a copy for their records.

    BAS agents can only be given authorisation for activity statement and debt communications.

    How to check your communication preferences

    How you check your preference will depend on if you are an:

    Individual or sole trader

    You can view your communication preferences if you have a myGov account and a link to the ATO. You can:

    • sign in to myGovExternal Link and select ATO from your member services
    • select My profile on your ATO online services homepage
    • select Communication
    • select Preferences.


    You can view your communication preferences in Online services for business if you have an account. You can:

    • sign in to your ATO online services for business
    • select Communication
    • select Preferences.

    Communication history

    Communication history allows you to view most of your communications from us online at any time. This includes communications sent to your agent on your behalf. Sole traders can only view their communication history in their individual online service, it is not available in their online business service.

    Individuals or sole traders

    To view your communication history:

    • sign in to myGovExternal Link and select Australian Taxation Office from your linked services
    • select My profile on your ATO online services homepage
    • select Communication
    • select History.


    To view your communication history:

    • log in to Online services for business homepage
    • select Communication
    • select History.

    You can view communications as far back as 1 July 2008. You can search for communications in periods of up to 5 years.

    Not all communications we send to you and your agent are available in your communication history. Any direct communication you've had with ATO officers won't be displayed. For example, letters sent during a review or audit.

    We will continue to make more communications available in the future.



    Current SMS and email activities

    We may contact you by SMS and email. If you aren't sure whether an SMS or email is from the ATO, check with us.

    Last updated 12 November 2024

    Info Alert
    The myGovID app is now known as myID
    myGovID has a new name and look – but how you use it is the same. Find out more at Link.

    General email and SMS messages

    We use SMS and emails for promotional and information purposes.

    ATO online services through myGov

    If you have linked the ATO to your myGov account, we will send most of your personal ATO letters directly to your myGov Inbox, rather than through the post.

    You will get email or SMS notifications from myGov to let you know there are new messages in your myGov Inbox. These myGov notifications will not contain links.

    If you are unsure if a myGov notification you have received is genuine, go directly to myGovExternal Link and sign in to check your myGov Inbox.

    General notifications may include:

    • advice your application has been received
    • progress of return notifications, including refund finalisation
    • a reminder to provide documents
    • a reminder to attend a meeting
    • reminders to meet ATO obligations to avoid penalties or cancellation of role, including
      • lodgment of tax returns, annual returns and business activity statements
      • lodgment of vacancy fee returns for foreign investment
      • payment of debt
      • payment of instalments as negotiated with us
    • a request to pay (which will be to pay online rather than by cheque)
    • notification that we will be contacting you from a private number
    • advice of new tax rates
    • important information for your business or industry
    • promotion of a product or service we offer, such as myTax, myGov and similar
    • tax time information about pre-filling, income, deductions and new measures
    • information about superannuation changes
    • an invitation or reminder to small businesses to attend a local event run by our staff
    • notification of delays and system outages.

    myID and RAM

    If you use myID to access our online services, such as Online services for business, we may email you to let you know about:

    • new features and functions available for myID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)
    • improvements to myID and RAM
    • upcoming requirements, such as renewing an authorisation in RAM.

    When you receive an email about myID or RAM, always check it has been sent from the myID or authorisation manager mailbox.

    Specific email and SMS messages

    From time to time, we may send you an SMS or email asking you to take specific action, such as:

    • provide additional information we require to process a BAS or tax return you lodged
    • provide additional information we require regarding an application you have made to us
    • verify changes made to your account.

    We may use SMS or email to ask you to contact us, but we will never ask you to return personal identifying information through these channels.

    Email invitations to participate in a survey

    We may use email to invite you to participate in ATO-approved research projects.

    We send surveys to gauge your perceptions, gather feedback and improve our service to the community. Participation is voluntary.

    Our surveys may ask for general demographic information but will never ask you to provide sensitive personal such as your tax file number (TFN) or bank details.

    Emails inviting you to participate in a survey may be sent from an ATO mailbox, or from our trusted research partners. To check the authenticity of a survey invitation you may have received go to current research projects.

    Tax and BAS agent emails

    If you are a registered agent, we may email you with important updates regarding your clients. Emails may include topics listed under the 'General email and SMS messages' section above, or may be more specific.

    Scam SMS and emails

    If you're ever unsure whether an SMS or email is really from us, don't reply or click on any links or attachments.

    There are some common scam warning signs that will help you check if you have been contacted by a scammer or by the ATO.

    You can also find out more information about current scams we're aware of.

    Other ways we may contact you

    We may contact you by phone call or letter if that is your communication preference. If you are unsure whether a phone call or letter is from us, phone us on 1800 008 540 to check.


    ATO access to myGov terms and conditions and privacy notices

    Find out your rights and responsibilities when using your myGov account to access ATO online services or the ATO app.

    Last updated 12 November 2024

    Terms and conditions of use

    Our terms and conditions of use include:


    I acknowledge that the nomination of Services Australia, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, to receive and disclose my information for the purposes of managing my myGov account, does not limit the Commonwealth from performing duties or exercising powers under law.

    Nomination for the purposes of managing your myGov account

    The nomination of Services Australia will allow myGov to disclose your name, date of birth and your contact information to other federal government agencies that you have already linked, or decide to link, to your myGov account. The disclosure of details will:

    • allow myGov to confirm your identity between those agencies
    • provide those agencies with notifications of changes to your details.

    Confirming your identity

    Your ability to link to the ATO, access ATO online services, and receive ATO communications in your myGov Inbox will depend on how you confirm your identity when signing into your myGov account.

    From 5 December 2020, you must confirm your identity and sign in to myGov using one of the following:

    • the myID app – Digital ID
      • From 13 November 2023, if you use a Digital ID to sign in you'll need to continue using your Digital ID with the same identity strength whenever you sign in to myGov to access ATO online services
    • receive a code by SMS
    • generate a code using the myGov Code Generator app
    • passkeys.

    If you change to using 'Answer a secret question' to sign in to myGov, your ATO record will be unlinked from your myGov account. You will no longer be able to access ATO online services and ATO communications in your myGov Inbox. We will send your communications to the postal address we have on your record.

    If you linked the ATO to your myGov account before 1 June 2019 and sign in using 'Answer a secret question', you can continue to access ATO online services and ATO communications in your myGov Inbox. To improve your online security, we recommend you use a Digital ID, such as myID, to confirm your identity.

    Your myGov inbox

    By linking the ATO to your myGov account, you have agreed and designated your myGov Inbox as your address for ATO communications that the ATO sends or makes available for you to access electronically.

    You will receive a welcome message from us in your myGov Inbox to confirm the service is enabled.

    If you use a tax or BAS agent, the designation of your myGov account and Inbox as your address is subject to your tax or BAS agent (authorised by you) designating, or having previously designated, ATO online services for agents as your address to send some or all of your ATO communications. Where this occurs, your myGov Inbox will remain your address for the ATO to send or make available communications that are not sent or made available to your agent.

    You will be able to use ATO online services to access and view your communications that are sent to your agent.

    You may receive notifications from myGov alerting you that communications have been sent to your myGov Inbox. This service is provided as a courtesy and does not limit your obligation to regularly access your myGov Inbox to check for ATO communications.

    Not all ATO communications can be sent or made available for access electronically. You can access a list of the communication types that we may send or make available electronically on our website. We may update this list from time to time.

    Where an ATO communication is unable to be sent or made available electronically, the ATO will send the communication to the postal address we have on your record.

    Privacy notices

    Our privacy notices include:

    Collecting your tax file number

    We are authorised by the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to request your tax file number (TFN). We will use your TFN to identify you when linking the ATO to your myGov account. You do not have to provide your TFN, however, if you do not provide your TFN, you may not be able to link the ATO to your myGov account and access ATO online.


    We are authorised by the Taxation Administration Act 1953 to request personal information from you. We will use this information to confirm your identity when you link the ATO to your myGov account and use ATO online services.

    If we do not collect this information, you will not be able to link the ATO to your myGov account and access ATO online services.

    Where authorised by law to do so, we will give this information to Services Australia for the purposes of administering myGov.

    We also provide taxpayer information to treaty partners overseas under international tax agreements with many other countries.

    Information about your device

    Your browser and information you provide will be recorded for authentication purposes as part of the myGov linking process. This may include:

    • your internet protocol address (IP address)
    • the date and time of use of the authentication service
    • the authentication information you provided
    • successful and unsuccessful attempts at authenticating.

    Use of information

    We may use your information to:

    • confirm your identity
    • compile statistics and reports using deidentified data to improve ATO systems and services
    • identify and respond to issues that may indicate authentication integrity is at risk
    • detect, investigate and prosecute criminal offences.

    Digital ID

    myID is the Australian Government's Digital ID app and is accredited under the Trusted Digital Identity FrameworkExternal Link.

    The ATO provides the myID system as a secure digital environment for individuals to establish and verify their identity. For information on how myID collects, uses and discloses your personal information, see the myID privacy noticeExternal Link.

    Our privacy policy

    Our privacy policy contains important information about your privacy, including information about:

    • how you can access and seek correction of information we hold about you
    • how you may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles
    • how we deal with privacy complaints.

