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Explore endless career pathways at the ATO. View our job types here.

Last updated 16 December 2024

We offer more than you expect

Experience endless career pathways and opportunities in one organisation. You can shape and maintain fair tax, super and registry systems, or bring data to life and protect it from cyber attacks. You can deliver an exceptional client service or support our workforce to meet future demands. Some of our job types include:

ATO jobs in tax assurance/avoidance, audit, compliance, criminal investigations, economics, risk or intelligence.

ATO jobs in data analytics, data engineering, data management, data science, revenue analysis or business analysis.

Work in digital, cyber and IT fields such as, analysis, design, forensics, programming, service management or testing.

Work in areas like learning and development, recruitment, payroll, health, workplace relations and workforce planning.

ATO jobs in litigation, policy design, interpretation, or prosecutions.

Work in frontline and client service areas, supporting Australians with their tax and super.

Provide executive and administrative support to senior leaders in the ATO.
