Why we have privacy notices
Through our business forms we collect business details and information of a personal nature. The information collected of a personal nature may include details that identify an individual. The types of these collections include information from the individual in their capacity as:
- an authorised person such as a director
- a public officer
- a sole trader.
Forms A
Add a new business account (NAT2954)
Advise refund of excess concessional contributions release authority statement (NAT71886-330556)
Advise refund of excess concessional contributions return of payment (NAT71886-331538)
Amending excise return form (NAT4286)
Ancillary fund return (NAT73640)
Annual tax file number withholding report (NAT 73693)
Application for certificate of payment (NAT 6408)
Application for a continuing movement permission (non-export) (NAT73710)
Application for a licence – brew on premises (NAT5904)
Application for a licence to produce tobacco (NAT 5901)
Application for a licence to manufacture excisable products – fuel and petroleum products (NAT5903)
Application for a licence to store excisable goods with permission to sell duty free (NAT7231)
Application for a licence to store excisable products – alcohol (NAT7176)
Application for a licence to store tobacco (NAT7177)
Application for a luxury car tax refund – entities not registered for GST (NAT73043)
Application for a substituted accounting period (SAP) (NAT5087)
Application for an excise licence to store excisable products – fuel and petroleum products (NAT7178)
Application for approval as a New Zealand participant for wine equalisation tax (WET) rebate (NAT15344)
Application for luxury car tax – primary producers and tourism operators (NAT72601)
Application for a substituted accounting period (SAP) (NAT5087)
Application for payment of wine equalisation tax (WET) rebate by an approved New Zealand participant (NAT14199)
Application for permission – still (NAT71905)
Application for permission to periodically report and pay duty – excise and EEGs (NAT73712)
Application for refund of franking credit (NAT4131)
Application for refund under Indirect Tax Concession Scheme (ITCS) – fuel claim (NAT3152)
Application for refund under Indirect Tax Concession Scheme (ITCS) – general claim (NAT3154)
Application for refund under Indirect Tax Concession Scheme (ITCS) – motor vehicle claim (NAT3155)
Application for remission of customs duty form (NAT73748)
Application to cancel a GST or PAYG withholding branch (NAT15299)
Application to defer GST on imported goods (NAT 75136)
Application to form, cancel or change details for a GST religious group (NAT3412)
Application to move excisable goods – continuing movement permission (export) (NAT12043)
Application to move tobacco seed, plant and/or leaf single movement permission (export) (NAT12079)
Application to move tobacco seed, plant and/or leaf Continuing movement permission (export) (NAT12080)
Application to register a GST or PAYG withholding branch (NAT14834)
Application to register a PAYG withholding account (NAT3377)
Application to register for fringe benefits tax (NAT1055)
Application for Petroleum Resource Rent Tax (PRRT)(NAT9847)
Application/renewal for a permit to receive concessional spirits (NAT3248)
Customs warehouse licence – application to relocate or change your warehouse (NAT 74156)
Forms B–C
Application for a licence to manufacture excisable products – alcohol (NAT5906)
Build to rent development – notice of events form (NAT 75663)
Business Activity Statement A – quarterly BAS statement (NAT 4189)
Business Activity Statement B – quarterly BAS statement (NAT 4192)
Business Activity Statement C – quarterly BAS statement (NAT 4195)
Business Activity Statement D – quarterly BAS statement (NAT 4191)
Business Activity Statement F – quarterly BAS statement (NAT 4190)
Business Activity Statement G – monthly BAS statement (NAT 4235)
Business Activity Statement P – annual GST return (NAT 4646)
Business Activity Statement Q – annual GST report (NAT 4647)
Business Activity Statement R – quarterly PAYG instalment notice (NAT 4753)
Business Activity Statement S – quarterly GST instalment notice (NAT 8056)
Business Activity Statement T – quarterly GST & PAYG instalment notice (NAT 8057)
Business Activity Statement U – quarterly BAS (NAT 14167)
Business Activity Statement V – quarterly BAS (NAT 14168)
Business Activity Statement W – quarterly BAS (NAT 14169)
Business Activity Statement X – quarterly BAS (NAT 14170)
Business Activity Statement Y – monthly BAS (NAT 14171)
Business Activity Statement Z – annual GST return (NAT 14172)
Calculation sheet for calculating wine equalisation producer rebate for New Zealand wine producers (NAT15345)
Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule - company (NAT3423)
Capital gains tax (CGT) schedule - trust (NAT3423)
Change of details for individuals (NAT 2817)
Cleaner fuels grant scheme application for registration (NAT9915)
Closely held trusts – adding or cancelling a pay as you go (PAYG) withholding business account (NAT73798)
Company tax return (NAT0656)
Completing your consent to obtain information – individualThis link will download a file (NAT7112)
Completing your superannuation guarantee late payment offset election (NAT1489)
Consent to criminal history record check (NAT16358)
Consolidated groups losses schedule (NAT7888)
Consolidation of GST returns – notification by GST joint venture operator (NAT3392)
Correcting tax errors – explaining your circumstances
Cross entity authorisation nomination form (NAT73957)
Customs warehouse licence – application to relocate or change your warehouse (NAT74156)
Forms D–E
Application for a continuing movement permission (non-export) (NAT73710)
Application for a licence to deal in tobacco (NAT7113)
Departing Australia superannuation payments (DASP) (NAT15478)
Dividend and interest schedule (NAT8030)
Duty free operator return form (NAT10405)
Elections under the PRRT Regulations
Employers and other withholding payers
Employment termination schedule (NAT71744)
End benefit notice – superannuation provider Division 293 tax (NAT 74728)
Excise drawback (NAT4287)
Excise refund (NAT4288)
Excise remission application form (NAT4289)
Excise return (NAT4285)
Forms F–M
Application for a licence to manufacture tobacco (NAT5902)
Application to move excisable goods – Single movement permission (export)(NAT 12042)
Application to move tobacco seed, plant and/or leaf Single movement permission (non-export) (NAT12555)
Application for a single movement permission (non-export) (NAT 73711)
Fairer taxation of excess concessional contributions election (NAT71886-365250)
Fairer Taxation of Excess Concessional Contributions – Release Authority (NAT71885.36566)
Family trust election, revocation or variation (NAT2787)
Financial institutions and share registries
Franking account tax return and instructions (NAT1382)
Fringe benefit tax (FBT) return (NAT1067)
Fringe benefit tax (FBT) return – notice of non lodgment advice (NAT3094)
Fuel tax credit registration – non BAS claimants (NAT15019)
GST group – notification of forming, changing or cancelling (NAT2952)
GST joint venture – notification of forming, changing or cancelling (NAT2953)
HECS-HELP benefit application for maths, science, education and nursing (including midwifery) graduates (NAT 73404)
High wealth company tax return (NAT73004)
High wealth partnership tax return (NAT73006)
Individual auto registration (online TFN application) (NAT9600)
Individual PAYG payment summary schedule (NAT3647)
Information required for a product ruling application – financial products checklist (NAT 74659)
Information required for a product ruling application – forestry managed investment scheme division 394 (NAT 74639)
Instalment Activity Statement B – IAS B (NAT 4192)
Instalment Activity Statement I – PAYG tax withheld (NAT 4193)
Instalment Activity Statement J – quarterly IAS (NAT 4197)
Instalment Activity Statement N - Annual IAS (NAT 4648)
International dealings schedule (NAT73345)
Interposed entity election, revocation or variation (NAT2788)
Life insurance companies taxation schedule (NAT7334)
Losses schedule (NAT3425)
Lost members statement (NAT71825)
Maintain credit and debit cards
Medicare levy variation declaration (NAT0929)
Member exit statement for constitutionally protected funds (NAT3203)
Application to move excisable goods - Single movement permission (export)(NAT 12042)
Forms N–O
Nomination of a legal representative to act on behalf of an entity (NAT15898)
Nomination of a representative (NAT12412)
Notification of errors in the calculation of tax cost setting amounts Income tax consolidated group
Notification of the continuation of a consolidated group with a new interposed head company (NAT71275)
Notification of a new eligible tier - 1 company of a multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group (NAT73442)
Notification of choice made to consolidate for petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) (NAT74265)
Notification of conversion to a multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group (NAT7026)
Notification of conversion of a MEC group to a consolidated group (NAT74963)
Notification of entitlement to GST refund (NAT11719)
Notification of formation of a multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group (NAT7024)
Notification of formation of an income tax consolidated group (NAT6781)
Notification of head company no longer eligible: income tax consolidated group ceases to exist (NAT6783)
Notification of member joining and/or leaving a multiple entry consolidated (MEC) group (NAT7025)
Notification of members joining and / or leaving an income tax consolidated group (NAT6782)
Notification of petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) instalment transfer interest charge (NAT16121)
Notification of provisional head company no longer eligible (NAT 7053)
Notification of the continuation of a consolidated group with a new interposed head company
Notification of transfer of petroleum resource rent tax exploration expenditure (NAT9849a)
Objection form (non-tax professionals) (NAT13471)
Online services for non-residents, GST return
Forms P
Partnerships tax return (NAT0659)
PAYG foreign resident withholding variation (NAT11097)
PAYG payment summary – business and personal services income (NAT72545)
PAYG payment summary – employment termination payment (NAT70868)
PAYG payment summary – foreign employment (NAT73297)
PAYG payment summary – individual non-business (NAT0046)
PAYG payment summary – interest dividend and royalty payments paid to non-residents (free format)
PAYG payment summary statement – personalised (NAT7885)
PAYG payment summary – statement (NAT3447)
PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream (NAT70987)
PAYG payment summary – superannuation lump sum (NAT70947)
PAYG payment summary – withholding where an ABN not quoted (NAT3283)
PAYG withholding – foreign resident withholding variation (FRWV) application (e-variation) (NAT11140)
PAYG withholding annual report – natural resource payments to foreign residents
PAYG withholding annual report – payments to foreign residents (NAT12413)
PAYG withholding from foreign residents – payment summary (free format)
PAYG withholding from interest dividend and royalty payments paid to non-residents annual report (NAT7187)
PAYG withholding form natural resource payments to foreign residents – payment summary (free format)
PAYG withholding liability notification (NAT3302)
PAYG withholding payment summary annual report – closely held lodgment concession (NAT15838)
PAYG withholding variation application (NAT2036)
PAYG withholding variation application 2014 (NAT5422)
PAYG withholding variation application 2014 – senior Australians only (NAT5424)
PAYG withholding variation – short application 2014 (NAT5425)
PAYG withholding variation supplement 2014 (NAT5423)
PAYG withholding where ABN not quoted (NAT3448)
Payment of unclaimed superannuation – third party (NAT71696)
Petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) deductible expenditure schedule (NAT74264)
Petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) instalment statement (NAT9848)
Petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) return (NAT9849)
Petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) notification of transfer of an interest in petroleum title (NAT15475)
Petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT) starting base return (NAT74262)
Private ancillary fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applications (NAT73280)
Private ruling application (non-tax professionals) (NAT13742)
Private ruling application (tax professionals) (NAT13043)
Product stewardship for oil program – application to register (NAT3266)
Public ancillary fund – schedule for deductible gift recipient applications (NAT74050)
Forms Q–R
Business Activity Statement – revised activity statement (NAT3233)
Registration for excise payments (NAT16623)
Request excess contributions tax additional release authority (NAT71886-328800)
Request for an extension of time to agreement to apply the margin scheme (NAT74166)
Research and development incentive schedule (NAT73794)
Forms S
Scrap metal industry – statement by supplier (NAT10210)
Searching for lost and unclaimed super (NAT2476)
Self-managed superannuation fund annual return (NAT71226)
Sharing Economy Reporting Regime
Statement by a supplier (NAT3346)
Statutory declaration (NAT4135)
Strata title body corporate (NAT4125)
Superannuation member contributions statement (NAT71334)
Superannuation member contributions statement for 2012-13 and later financial years (NAT74656)
Superannuation guarantee charge statement – quarterly (NAT9599)
Superannuation payment variation advice (NAT 8451)
Superannuation Transfer Balance Account Report (TBAR) (NAT 74923)
Supermatch application (NAT4674)
Forms T–Z
Application for refund of wine equalisation tax (NAT9241)
Tax file number – application for a deceased estate (NAT3236)
Tax file number – application for companies, partnerships, trusts and other organisations (NAT3799)
Tax file number – application or enquiry for permanent migrants and temporary visitors to Australia (NAT4157)
Tax file number declaration (NAT3092)
Tax file number report (NAT 73651)
Taxable payments annual report (NAT74109)
Trans-Tasman imputation (NAT 8775)
Trans-Tasman revocation (NAT 9143)
Trusts tax return (NAT0660)
Ultimate beneficiary schedule (Trusts)(NAT2967)
Unclaimed superannuation money non-lodgment advice (NAT73231)
Unclaimed superannuation money statement (NAT71864)
Venture capital deficit return (NAT3309)
Voidable transaction claim form (JS30648)
Voluntary agreement for PAYG withholding (NAT2772)
Withdrawal from superannuation holding accounts special account (NAT2373)
Withdrawal from your inactive superannuation account (NAT16338)
Withdrawal of superannuation guarantee (NAT8678)
Withholding declaration (NAT3093)
Withholding declaration – short version for seniors and pensioners (NAT5072)
Withholding declaration – upwards variation (NAT5367)
Find out about our privacy notices for business and why we collect your personal information.